Collaborative Decision Making

Why it is important (and can be hard).

In a modern organization having everyone together in one room at the right time, with equal context to be able to make decisions is often impossible. For fast moving teams that work remotely and asynchronously it can be difficult to keep everyone on the same page about what has been decided and why.

Loomio is a tool designed for any online group to make clearer, more collaborative, better decisions together. It is perfect for:

  1. Remote, asynchronous teamwork. Sharing important context, making decisions and progressing work without being able to all meet at the same time or in the same place.

  2. Inclusive decision making. Ensure all voices that need to be heard are included in the decision making process.

  3. Transparency and clarity. Ensure decision making processes are clear and accessible so everyone can understand the decision, outcomes and next steps from the process.

Who is it for?

Since 2012 Loomio has become a critical tool used by groups of all kinds. Cooperatives, boards of directors, funding committees, membership organizations, political and community organizers and decentralized self managing companies have all used Loomio successfully to make clear, collaborative decisions together online

What does Loomio help with?

Clear, collaborative decision making has many benefits for all types of organizations.

Less meetings. Better meetings.

When groups start using meetings to share context before meetings and have the ability to make smaller, easier decisions between meetings, you’ll find it is possible to have less meetings and better discussions in the meetings you do have.

For boards in particular, Loomio can free up capacity to spend valuable meeting time focused on more important strategic issues, rather than clarifying and confirming smaller decisions.

More engagement. Better outcomes.

Loomio really makes it easier for anyone in the organization to gain context and engage in the discussions and decisions that affect them, in their own time.

This means better recognition of engagement in broadcast notices, easy voting to understand what the group thinks about an issue and asynchronous collaboration with group members who can’t all be together at the same time, but need to be on the same page.

Less admin. More clarity.

When groups use Loomio there is a ‘built in’ benefit of a recorded result of decisions made, and importantly the people that made them and context in which they were made. This level of clarity is critical for any remote working organization where team members may change and the organization grows over time.

Loomio also integrates easily with commonly used chat tools like Microsoft Teams, Slack and Discord so repeatable, approval style tasks and simple decisions can be made much more efficiently.

Advanced collaboration.

When your group starts to make decisions together online in clear, transparent threads you’ll be developing a ‘muscle’ that can have transformative effects on your organization.

Loomio can transform more complex workflow processes like recruiting, hiring, salary setting, roles and disputes can be transformed to be leaner, more effective and collaborative.

This also enables wider circles of participation and leadership, more proactivity and a more innovative culture of distributed decision making in your group.

Why not start your free Loomio trial today?

Create a more engaged and collaborative culture, build trust and buy-in, and make better decisions


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