
Providence Community Library

Welcome to the Providence Community Library discussion! This site has been set up for information, discussion, and brainstorming only - no decisions will be reached during this discussion. We look forward to all of you participating. PLEASE COMMENT WITHIN THE EXISTING THREADS, TO THE QUESTIONS POSED. Please watch the video presentation and review the presentation slides before commenting if you did not attend the retreat. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS POSITIVE AND FORWARD LOOKING. Through our one-on-one conversations and group sessions we are aware of some of the operational challenges that may need to be addressed and they will be discussed separately in upcoming meetings as the process moves forward. The facilitator will review all comments and create a report at the end of the discussion. Simply click on a thread to read it. Open any attachments by clicking on them and comment in the comment boxes under each individual thread. Please post all comments by end of day on Wednesday, January 3rd 2018.