Wed 25 Jul 2012 2:23AM

Archiving discussions

JL Jon Lemmon Public Seen by 44

vivien maidaborn Mon 30 Jul 2012 12:24AM

I love the import addresses feature suggestion!
Also I have a personal passion for the connection between people names on the group list and a lie connection to their personal email, so it is easy to 'ping' people


Josef Davies-Coates Thu 18 Jul 2013 10:12PM

How did this discussion about archiving discussion turn into about about importing contacts to invite people?!?

Well, actually, I can answer my own questions... @richarddbartlett you naughty person for taking the discussion off topic!

Anyways, the reason I ended up here is that I wanted to chime in that now the search feature has been enabled I think it is more important than ever that archiving be implemented; quite a lot of top results for a few of the searches I've tried have been really old discussion/ proposals that have basically been done/ implemented - they shouldn't be the top results!