Sun 27 Nov 2022 3:36AM

Response to Tumblr's ActivityPub Integration?

FM Fenn Martyn Public Seen by 54

Tumblr plans on integrating the ActivityPub standard; I've seen a number of concerns from various users regarding advertisements and Tumblr's hosting of transphobic content, among other things.

Is there currently a plan in place for when this happens? Will we defederate from Tumblr?

Still rather new here, so apologies if this isn't the right place to ask!


Evan Boehs Mon 28 Nov 2022 9:59PM

My inital inclination is to say, "not unless it becomes a problem", but I am not involved in moderation. I have found https://wiki.social.coop/How-to-make-the-fediverse-your-own.html#diplomacy-with-the-fediverse, and am currently reviewing it


Evan Boehs Mon 28 Nov 2022 11:41PM

Under https://git.coop/social.coop/community/docs/-/wikis/Federation-Abuse-Policy-v1

Silencing: Users may still follow users on a silenced instance, but the instance’s users will not be visible on the public timeline. Criteria for silencing include:

  • The site is the origin of a significant amount of spam.

  • The site is the origin of a significant number of users whose behavior has been reported as violating our Values or the Social.Coop Code of Conduct.

  • The site is the origin of repeated posts of sexual content, gore, and generalized violent rhetoric that lack content warnings.


  • The site is the origin of a pattern of hate speech, and lacks policies or fails to enforce policies to deal with hate speech, or actively encourages it.

  • The site is the origin of repeated instances of harassment, and lacks policies or fails to enforce policies to deal with harasser users, or actively encourages them.

  • The site is the origin of sexual content depicting minors under 18, or non-consensual content like revenge porn.

I don't think Tumblr falls under any of these