Sun 9 Jun 2013 2:35PM

Moderators for forum, MLs

KL Kate Lebedeff Public Seen by 300

Hi everybody. We have discussed the topic "moderators" a while ago, but it ended nowhere. At the same time moderators are needed.
Current suggestion to be discussed:
Any OMA member can be a moderator, if he expresses such a wish. We need some kind of approval process here, my suggestion would be that Council needs to approve the candidates. The total number of moderators is defined according to how quickly OMa grows:) For now it could be limited by "10 or less" - this lets people be not overloaded, but manage the issues.
Moderators can work anonymously if needed (ie, there should be an email address and ID moderator@, to avoid unneeded personal feelings in some cases of moderator's job).


João Azevedo Patrício Mon 10 Jun 2013 11:12AM

I have a different proposal on this. For me the "rugs" should suggest the moderators for they language forums, then the UCR and the Council should approve that. That approval should only be denied when there are strong objections.


Raphaël Jadot Mon 10 Jun 2013 4:29PM

I also think that @joaopatricio is right, rugs should establish mods for their language


jclvanier Mon 10 Jun 2013 4:47PM

For the MLs we can simply define the rules.
For the forums, I suggest that the rules can be proposed then discussed and adopted by the forumers like we did in the French mdv forum.


Colin Close Thu 13 Jun 2013 1:06AM

This is a tough job. Surely moderators should know what the rules are before they put themselves forward. The number of moderators required is going to be proportional to how strict/lax the rules are. At least an outline of the rules should be documented before setting up a team.


Kate Lebedeff Thu 13 Jun 2013 1:01PM

Jean-Claude, what is the news with the rules discussion and acceptance on forum?


Wayne Sallee Fri 14 Jun 2013 4:28PM

A good way to do it would be to create a moderation team that would put together a set of rules, submit the rules to Council for approval, then after approval, uphold the rules as moderators.

Wayne Sallee
[email protected]


jclvanier Sat 15 Jun 2013 9:37PM

I made this doc:
from the mandriva forum rules.
It is maybe a bit too comprehensive. I suggest to simplify it and publish it in a the forum as a proposal.