Fri 21 Feb 2020 11:58AM

Which projects would you like to see at OPEN 2020?

OS Oli SB Public Seen by 109

Do you know any 'new economy' projects that you would like to see at OPEN 2020? Let us know and we will invite them... We're specifically interested in projects which attendees can learn from and ideally get involved with straight away to help build the new economy.


Sinead Doyle Sun 23 Feb 2020 11:31PM

I'd love to see Colony! Their public beta just recently launched https://colony.io/


Hannah Tue 25 Feb 2020 10:02AM

The SEA- Solidarity Economy are a new project based in Oxford looking to develop the Solidarity Economy across the UK. Colm and Jo and members of the coop. https://www.solidarityeconomy.coop/


Jordi Vidiella Amposta Tue 10 Mar 2020 10:22PM

I would like to see https://fusechange.org/open-source-solutions-for-change/ and http://opportumeety.com/ Both projects I'm in :)

The first one started as a welcome refugee civic platform for rural areas, actually, it bornt in one of the most depopulated areas in the world. We have welcomed the first family from El Salvador and we are working on its digitization and automation. In seed stage.

The second one will become a disco co-op. And pretends to be a connector for people and communities purpose-driven, a social networking platform to meet face to face, we want our users to spend two minutes in our platform and then two hours of meaningful conversations and meetings. One of our focus is to connect NGOs to each other; we will start focusing on Greece on this target; where there are more international NGOs working in the same field; refugees and migration. In a very early stage. Not open source yet (we don't know how to make it properly, it's a pendant homework).attention, commercial: It's something we could use for the OPEN 2020 and co-op

(both accepting co-founders) ;)

I'm working in a proposal for system restoration in the south of Catalonia; Ebro Valley. Restoration based on social innovation, decentralized tech, regenerative economies, and cooperativism. I could be started once we do OPEN 2020.

What about communities? like oui share and Enspiral among lots more.

What about methodologies? like https://disco.coop/ and https://ioo.coop/exit-to-community/ pentagrowth and so on

Maybe responsible investors? there are some...