Mon 12 Mar 2018 7:42PM

Short Term Assistance Funding via MNA

JO Jonathan Ogden Public Seen by 386

I often see neighbors in a tough spot reaching out for assistance via Facebook groups or personal pages, the Neighborhood Association board oversees a fairly substantial account that has been accrued with neighbor donations and fundraising.

Typically this is used to cover event costs and services used by the board to maintain the enterprise, but I would like to see the utility of these funds expand to short-term assistance funding for members of the General Membership.

I've not fleshed out the legality, but there are a number of options for a 501c3 to be able to disperse funds, so I'm sure with the proper legal oversight it could be accomplished in some way (whether through donation or "employee payment".

This would also facilitate the push for all of the financial records of the MNA board transactions to be publicly available online (I believe this is happening soon if not already on the main site). All data would be available to the membership, i.e. available funds, costs, and current applications/purposes (priority could be given through proof of circumstances, i.e. SNAP or other low income programs).

The idea would be that an online platform or similar (like this one) would be used to seek a percentage approval for the dispersal of the funds where the general membership would democratically vote as to whether they think the dispersal is legitimate. Obviously this may need to have a special circumstance for emergency funding, but this can be addressed after the concept has gained approval.

The intent of this kind of program would be to help prevent displacement and houselessness at its source, which is often the result of too many bills too quickly (sudden sickness, injury, death in the family, etc.).

Is this something that would be feasible with this Association?


Jonathan Ogden Mon 12 Mar 2018 11:11PM

Who's to say it isn't? I can send them a link to this thread, also I never said I thought he's the end-all-be-all, but as the director he'd likely be able to approve something provisional. Either way we'll see, and this is way in the weeds for this topic.

I'll start a thread about the purpose of the NA and you can load it full of feedback till your little pedant heart's content. Sound good?


Kevin Provost Mon 12 Mar 2018 11:15PM

I'm not sure which of us pedants you're addressing, but the purpose is already in the MNA Bylaws. That's why I recommended a poll of members: "Do you agree with this as the MNA's Purpose, or not?"


Jonathan Ogden Mon 12 Mar 2018 11:23PM

Oh I hear you, probably both pedants (takes one to know one), but I would argue that the purpose as its written would be in perfect complement to this kind of initiative, which points out the issue with a "yes or no" agreement: it's vague and requires a more nuanced/complex interpretation.


Evelyn Mac Tue 13 Mar 2018 6:56PM

Exactly! A facilitator for connecting to
existing sources.


Jonathan Ogden Tue 13 Mar 2018 6:57PM

Is there already a comprehensive list that we could add to the website? I know there's a really good map on the bus stop by the community center but forget what the org was named.


Evelyn Mac Tue 13 Mar 2018 7:02PM

I think we need to compile a new list of resources since many I have seen are outdated. A past neighbor (she has moved) made a project of compiling a list and she had dozens of places for food and other resources she gave out. This would be a great project for a committee. At this point, regretably, I cannot help as my plate is full with multiple projects. But if I come across some resources, I will be sure to share.


Briar Rose Tue 13 Mar 2018 7:41PM

Hi Kevin, nice to see you on here 😁


Briar Rose Schreiber Tue 13 Mar 2018 12:04AM

Didn't the MNA have a fund for neighbors in years past? I believe it was $200 of emergency money to pay bills and such. I believe Benjamin Kerensa helped organize that, but I could be misremembering.


Briar Rose Schreiber Tue 13 Mar 2018 12:23AM

I'm trying to find the exact minutes, but I have my own notes about it when it was first proposed. It was called the Neighborhood Emergency Assistance Fund and was oversaw by Johnnie Shaver and Benjamin Kerensa (according to my notes which are just scribbles). It would be interesting to see what succeeded and failed from that effort.


Sir Meow of Purrington Tue 13 Mar 2018 5:20PM

This is a great idea, how do we move forward? Based on Briar Rose's link to the passing and approval last year, does that also imply that the planning phase can start?


Jonathan Ogden Tue 13 Mar 2018 5:30PM

Apparently it's already in place, maybe start reaching out to neighbors in need to let them know?


Briar Rose Schreiber Tue 13 Mar 2018 5:34PM

We would still need to fund that somehow. A budget with money allocated to that fund would be needed.


Jonathan Ogden Tue 13 Mar 2018 5:38PM

Ok, sounds like something to bring up in the chat.


Evelyn Mac Tue 13 Mar 2018 6:58PM

That was an extra fundraiser and not part of the regular budget of the NA. Nor should it be.


Jonathan Ogden Tue 13 Mar 2018 7:02PM

The previous emergency fund? I'm not sure if it was meant to be permanent but I see having a planned emergency budget as a good thing to plan into our fundraising (worst case is it doesn't get used).

If it goes over then we have to either find funding or get more approved, could be a clause about that requiring general membership approval (there's actually a collective budget tool on here I think).


Evelyn Mac Tue 13 Mar 2018 7:05PM

I believe the funding would need to be entirely raised outside NA funds. I am not sure of all the details before, but we have to be careful to not attempt to be a charity while still being charitable as individuals.


Jonathan Ogden Tue 13 Mar 2018 7:09PM

Wait what? We're literally incorporated as a public-benefit corporation with charitable status as far as I know.

Isn't local, decentralized, community-controlled financing services (for emergencies or otherwise) right in line with that?

I guess I don't understand your assertion, i.e. do you mean legally or personally?


Evelyn Mac Tue 13 Mar 2018 7:12PM

What I Want from Our Neighborhood Association:
*Facilitator not Dictator.
*Initiative not Ultimatum.
*Freedom of Ideas not Singular Agenda.
*Discussion not Final Answer.
*Open Communication not Closed Door.*Decisions
Inclusion not Exclusion.


Jonathan Ogden Tue 13 Mar 2018 7:17PM

Ok, so this is still a question of the "purpose of the NA", I'll just make that thread later today. It's obviously needed.

Beyond that, in the case of an "emergency fund" and the way the 501c3 corporate structure requires legal responsibility (the board is responsible) how do your concepts apply, i.e. what is the ideal way to create topical initiatives (full disclosure that is the purpose of this platform, to log information about what the membership are concerned about and then create proposals based on it).


Evelyn Mac Tue 13 Mar 2018 7:33PM

For example, Buy Nothing is inspiring because it doesn't seek needs. Instead, it seeks to be a facilitor for generosity. The tax status of the NA is not an indicator of the purpose. Yes. Open a thread for edcuation on the purpose. I think that dicussion could prove helpful.


Cobb,Terry Tue 13 Mar 2018 10:53PM

I like this concept, but I just need some clarification....

...."Typically this is used to cover event costs and services used by the board to maintain the enterprise, but I would like to see the utility of these funds expand to short-term assistance funding for members of the neighborhood board.".....

So, this short-term assistance is available to members of the neighborhood BOARD, only?... or for the board's dispersal?...

I would tentatively support this, but would just like some clarification.


Jonathan Ogden Tue 13 Mar 2018 11:03PM

Hey Terry, I believe there was already a previous proposal that was passed that authorized a budget of $200.

The intent of this would be for it to be available to the membership (or really just Montavilla generally), so I guess that includes the board but a member requesting it couldn't vote on it or something.

The idea would be a community "just in case" fund though.


Jonathan Ortiz Myers Wed 14 Mar 2018 12:04AM

Jonathan, I too read that statement as short term assistance funding for members of the board....you might want to clarify that, as it seemed a bit self serving at first blush. Kind of like congress setting their own salary...


Jonathan Ogden Wed 21 Mar 2018 11:26PM

Fixed, btw