Thu 30 May 2019 9:37AM

Theme camp collaboration

XD xavier dubruille Public Seen by 78

Another new year, another success in Devon.
Now i want to bring a subject that could improve a lot Nest : it is to have all the theme camp organize a collaboration to have a storage locally.
Nest team rent a place for a container to alex in his quarry, 1-2 miles away from the site and alex (i know this from last year) is not against having another one in it with the same deal.
So that could mean for all the theme camp to have more ambitious structure for the next years (at least 3 assured by deal) for cheaper and with less impact on environment.
Also it would mean it would take only 1 rental van for a day to dispatch all the material on site for each theme camp instead of each camp renting a van (sometimes for a week) to do this.
i ll stop here and let people discuss the idea.


Adrian Godwin Thu 30 May 2019 10:46AM

Is it worth bringing such a container on site for the event (I think many Nowhere communities do this) rather than making dozens of separate vehicle trips to empty and refill it ?

If it's on Alex's land already it might be possible to move it with agricultural equipment rather than bringing in a special vehicle.


xavier dubruille Thu 30 May 2019 6:05PM

we were speaking about that with some dpw lead this morning, the question is can a massive truck drive through ugbrooke house (the cattle grid?) and what is the comparison of cost instead of a single van for a day? but now we have lot of time to discuss it at least.


Corinne Hitching Thu 30 May 2019 2:30PM

a wonderful idea even if it only holds the large camp structures if they aren't used at any other time of the year. However, may the storage units be accessed throughout the year?


xavier dubruille Thu 30 May 2019 6:07PM

i don t see what not, the quarry is easily accessible and if we put a lock witha code instead of keys and if we organize properly the container (with shelf and a sorting system) there would be no reason for evry camp to get access to their stuff throughout the year (or for nowhere or microburn)