Wed 7 Oct 2015 9:03AM

"Freedom of movement and settlement: an alternative migration policy for Europe?"

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Un representante del Círculo de Bélgica hablará en este seminario organizando dentro de las acciones de la semana de movilización de Octubre.

Podeis dejar aqui la informacion-ideas que creeis que hay que traer a ese debate. Cualquier aportación es siempre útil. Intentad documentar o referenciar los datos que aportéis, si posible.

16/10 - 13:00
Forum B, Campus de la Plaine, Université Libre de Bruxelles

"Freedom of movement and settlement: an alternative migration policy for Europe?"
Capitalism implies the concentration of economic power in the hands of shareholders, the mercantile logic, the search for profit and dividends and competition between workers. Austerity, deregulation and privatisation are its manifestations and consequences, as well as policies leading at restricting the freedom of movement of the people or letting this mobility depend on the needs of the enterprises, and maintaining thousands of workers without any status. Fighting against these effects therefore implies trying to get beyond capitalism and trying to create a system based on other principles. 

With the participation Mikaël Franssens (Ciré), Violaine Carrère (GISTI), Gil Lizcano (Podemos) and Thierry Müller (cowriter of “Coming out” and collaborator of «Micropolitique des groupes», activist Riposte)