Wed 29 Sep 2021 3:13PM

New code forge platform co-op

SW Sam Whited Public Seen by 82

Hi all,

I'm getting a group together to discuss a U.S. based code forge platform co-op (Codeberg is great, but it would be nice to have something that's not so slow on this side of the pond and which uses an organization that I know I can become a member of; naturally, if you're in the Eurozone these concerns may not apply).

@Noah suggested this might be something the social.coop tech team was interested in too. Is this something that social.coop folks think might be useful under the auspices of social.coop? If not, is it something social.coop members would also be interested in joining? We're happy to spin it up separately, or maybe do it in conjunction with an existing co-op if anyone else in the social.coop org is interested. I'd love to chat about it, and in the mean time we have started a mailing list to discuss it and setup the first meeting here: https://groups.io/g/codeforge


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Wed 29 Sep 2021 3:44PM

I don't know if you are aware of git.coop? It runs GitLab CE and is hosted in the UK and does host some projects for North American co-ops, for example the Tech Support Co-operative and of course it hosts the social.coop repos.


Sam Whited Wed 29 Sep 2021 3:51PM

I am actually aware of it; I wanted a North American based one (probably USD based, but I'm open for anything if it turns out most of our members use CAD) and, personally, I hate GitLab. I think it's one of the worst written hardest to use messes of a platform ever created. I also suspect they won't ever federate, while Gitea is leading the charge for this (and I consider this a critical feature to make a small platform feasible, otherwise most people will just use GitHub so that they don't have to sign up for yet another account just to submit an issue).

Of course, none of this is in my hands, the co-op may choose to do a Russian based GitLab thing for all I know, I'm just expressing my personal vision for what I expect to happen and why I don't personally use git.coop.


Sam Whited Sun 5 Dec 2021 12:07PM

We're getting some infrastructure setup this week and I'd still love to know if this is something anyone from social.coop would find interesting or useful! We've been thinking about whether it makes the most sense to go ahead on our own or partner with some existing/overlapping group. Is this something social.coop would find useful as an organization?


Nathan Schneider Sun 5 Dec 2021 8:28PM

I've been enjoying using Gogs for my lab; much lighter than self-hosted GitLab.


Sam Whited Sun 5 Dec 2021 9:51PM

Indeed! We're looking into Gitea right now for if we do it ourselves instead of partnering with an existing co-op like social.coop. Gitea as I understand it is just a fork of Gogs where most of the development happens these days, I'm not sure about the history.