Tue 2 Jan 2018 2:17AM

How to use Loomio

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Welcome to Loomio, an online place to make decisions together.

This is an example discussion thread. You can add comments below. A thread is a conversation on a given topic. This thread is about how Loomio works, so post questions about that here.

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* To notify a specific person, type @ followed by their name.
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Poll Created Tue 2 Jan 2018 2:17AM

Demonstration proposal Closed Tue 9 Jan 2018 2:41AM

This is a proposal, where you can make a decision together. You can start a proposal once a discussion is underway.

Everyone is asked to state a position by the deadline. You can extend the deadline if you need to, or close a proposal early.

You can change your position while the proposal is open. You might reconsider your view as you listen to others.

Sometimes groups work through a series of proposals to build solutions together. You can raise sequential proposals in this thread.

Try participating! Click one of the four buttons.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 1 J
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 7 BK SG CS FS E C RRT

1 of 8 people have participated (12%)


Poll Created Tue 2 Jan 2018 2:17AM

Demonstration proposal Closed Tue 9 Jan 2018 2:41AM

This is a proposal, where you can make a decision together. You can start a proposal once a discussion is underway.

Everyone is asked to state a position by the deadline. You can extend the deadline if you need to, or close a proposal early.

You can change your position while the proposal is open. You might reconsider your view as you listen to others.

Sometimes groups work through a series of proposals to build solutions together. You can raise sequential proposals in this thread.

Try participating! Click one of the four buttons.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 1 J
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 7 BK SG CS FS E C RRT

1 of 8 people have participated (12%)


Poll Created Thu 4 Jan 2018 4:36AM

Which do you feel are the most important primary areas of Teal focus and consideration. Closed Sun 7 Jan 2018 4:34AM

As we begin to identify implement and manage our transition into Teal, we would like to ask you which you think should be the initial areas to focus our energies on. Please pick your top 5 areas to begin with. Thank you for your participation


Results Option % of points Voters
Role Definition and Allocation 15.2% 5 BK SG J FS C
Strategy 12.1% 4 BK SG J FS
Objectives and Target Setting 12.1% 4 BK SG J E
Culture and Values 12.1% 4 J FS E C
Innovation and Product Development 6.1% 2 FS E
Sales and Marketing 6.1% 2 SG E
Job Titles and Job Descriptions 6.1% 2 SG J
Information Flow 6.1% 2 BK J
Team and Community Building 6.1% 2 FS E
Commitment, Working Hours and Flexibility 3.0% 1 C
Feedback and Performance Management 3.0% 1 J
Compensation and Incentives 3.0% 1 E
Meetings 3.0% 1 BK
Conflict resolution 3.0% 1 C
Decision Making 3.0% 1 C
Purchasing and Investments 0.0% 0  
Budgeting and Controlling 0.0% 0  
Environmental and Social Management 0.0% 0  
Change Management 0.0% 0  
Crisis Management 0.0% 0  
Recruitment 0.0% 0  
Onboarding 0.0% 0  
Training and Coaching 0.0% 0  
Dismissal 0.0% 0  
Creating Safe Space 0.0% 0  
Mood Management 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 CS RRT

6 of 8 people have participated (75%)


Erika Thu 4 Jan 2018 8:32AM

Innovation and Product Development
Sales and Marketing
Objectives and Target Setting
Compensation and Incentives
Culture and Values
Team and Community Building

I don't understand what Mood Management means.
I have chosen in this order:
1. Culture and Values
2. Team and Community Building
3. Objectives and Targeting Settings
4. Compensation and Incentives
5. Innovation & Prod. Dev.
6. Sales & MKT


Jason Thu 4 Jan 2018 10:40PM

Job Titles and Job Descriptions
Objectives and Target Setting
Feedback and Performance Management
Role Definition and Allocation
Information Flow
Culture and Values

overlap between (strategy & Objectives and Target Setting), (Job Titles and Job Descriptions & Role Definition and Allocation) so I have selected. a number of items that important that I have not selected, chosen most important for teal focus