Tue 4 Nov 2014 9:55AM

giving ourselves a name

BB Bob Bollen Public Seen by 36

I know a number of people have suggested names, but I propose calling ourselves "Compass Democracy" as it's clear and punchy and tells both where we're coming from, and where we're going to.

NB if we agree something else I'll change the name of this loomio discussion group


Bob Bollen Tue 4 Nov 2014 10:04AM

once we've agreed a short punchy name - let's then agree a strapline eg 5-7 words saying what we do?


Colin Miller Tue 4 Nov 2014 10:54AM

Needs a bit more I think, not sure what, maybe 'Commission' as in Compass Democracy Commission to show we are actively engaged in something.


William Judd Tue 4 Nov 2014 10:38PM

I forget who now, but someone mentioned at the 1st meeting the limits of including Charter 2015 in our name. I agree. Placing a date in your name limits you. We could have a project/campaign called Charter 2015, but the group's name should not be dated in my mind.


Peter Buckman Wed 5 Nov 2014 11:19AM

I think adding "Commission" to "Compass Democracy" supplies gravitas, but I still favour "Reinventing Democracy".