Thu 27 Jan 2022 3:04PM

Thoughts on the website? Suggestions, criticism, etc.

LS Leo Sammallahti Public Seen by 12

This thread is to discuss the website. Feel free to tell if you think we are getting something wrong, have ideas on how to make the site easier to use, if something should be explained better, etc.


Emanuele Dal Carlo Thu 27 Jan 2022 5:17PM

Hi @Leo Sammallahti

the first and most important thing for me is that there should be some sort of infographic/diagram in HP to show how it works. My feeling is that the cool and simple concept behind it is not immediately clear and therefore one needs to read more ( about) but often users are lazy and you risk losing potential contacts.

Also, not everyone scrolls, in my experience is better to put some key info above the fold and not only a cool headline.


DaveDarby Sat 29 Jan 2022 3:42PM

Agree with Emanuele - maybe the latest blog post could be turned into a 'how it works' page?