Mon 23 Nov 2015 1:03PM

Well done everyone! I Propose a post festival meet-up!

HM Helen Moore Public Seen by 11

Hello, what a great fest! Yayness!

I bumped in to Gemma Abbott ( PHDer at Falmouth interested in what we are doing) and she said that she had spoken to Katie & Simon about having a post AntiUni Cornish Fringe meet-up to discuss the event and catch up with everyone on how it went and how we could improve for next year, which I think is a fantastic idea! I would like to find out if anyone is interested in carrying the momentum of the fest on throughout the year, opening up as a non-stop fest, allowing more people to put on events under the AntiUni Cornish Fringe name. - This could result in some really interesting stuff happening in Cornwall. I will leave this here for now to gauge interest. <3


shiri shalmy Mon 23 Nov 2015 10:35PM

Hello Cornish Comrades

Well done & congrats to all the organisers and hosts!
Hope everything went well (def sounds like it) and that you all had a wonderful weekend.

In London the atmosphere was absolutely exhilarating! The events were mostly excellent and we had such great feedback from pretty much everyone, with so many people asking to join the next stage of the Antiuni as co-organisers, hosts and facilitators.

And now we are having exactly the same discussion in London as you are having in Cornwall!

We are thinking of opening up the group (it was just the 3 of us until now) and debating what other forms the Antiuni can take, how to include more people in decision making (we are particularly conscious about the narrow demographic of the current organising group) and about funding (do we want any? will we sell out?)...

Would be great to hear feedback from your events and your collective thoughts about the future.
We will, of course, share ours if you are interested.