Fri 11 Jan 2019 11:23AM

Financial Support

AB Alison Born Public Seen by 171

We discussed the possibility of using some B4E funds to support some of the legal cases re Brexit. There are two that relate to the illegal funding of The Vote Leave campaign, one by Open Democracy and another by Jo Maugham's Good Law Project. We have almost £9k in the bank and are still getting a steady stream of income from stalls and merchandise. Would you be happy to donate £200 to each case which would leave us with at least £8.5k for the (hopefully) imminent referendum campaign?


Jane Riekemann Fri 18 Jan 2019 8:09AM


Alice Hovanessian Fri 18 Jan 2019 10:48AM

I agree, brilliant work! We should definitely support them and could use their help with getting billboards into Moggsville.


Emma Knaggs Fri 18 Jan 2019 6:32PM

At the Steering meeting last night, we agreed to allocated £150 each to the five projects (£750 total). As a referendum campaign could be very close we thought it would be wise to hold on to cash where we can. We can always donate more later on.


Alison Born Sat 19 Jan 2019 7:40AM

How about we do the 150 to the 5 projects agreed and 250 to the billboards as they have immediate impact?


Jane Riekemann Sat 19 Jan 2019 9:35AM

Yes, good idea. The billboards have taken off.


Alison Born Fri 1 Feb 2019 5:00PM

Hi, i've paid £150 each from B4E to SODEM, People's Vote and Fact Checker. Still need to clarify whether the legal challenges need funds and what Led by Donkeys want us to do.