
Meeting Notes 2/2/18

R ryan_ Public Seen by 314

In Attendance: heather, dorian, ryan

action items:
++next meeting 2/9/18 at outer space -- casual, arts arcata will be going on. 7:30pm meeting time.

+++ create online application form for interested artists, include a way for applicants to upload 3 images of their art. could be a form online that gets sent to this email address

+++update flyer that alex v made, handbill 1/4 page size. front side is a poster image, back side is info on how to apply to show art as well as this email address for point of contact. Ryan will update / make reverse side text.

+++Get a list of stuff we're able to use from the ink people's office in eureka IE sculpture stands, tables, wall hangers etc.

+contract / sales
+application for artists
+Feb Arts Arcata
+Mali's Email
+March Arts Arcata
+April Arts Arcata

+++++Contract & Application: SEE BOTTOM OF NOTES FOR DRAFT CONTRACT.
- Dorian wrote up a page, sounds great
- Loss & Damage
- bring up exactly how much to split percentage—
- standard for real gallery is 50% but they do SO much we’re not gonna do that much
- 30% percent acceptable for our level of split, maybe 25? Negotiate?
- can negotiate? Get 50 if people wanna donate?
- Set a low barrier? But could people come to us and pitch? Lets be the connect for HSU

+++++Application Process for Artists
- something to hand to artists like at HSU- how can market ourselves as a venue for them to show at -- Flyer with Alex V image / contact info on back.
- have an official application for them -- this will be online, there will be a link to the application on the flyer. applicants upload pics of their art.
- handbill Ryan will edit in Photoshop to have website info and internet links to where folks can send photos to send art

++++++Feb Arts Arcata:

Mali Email: Answering the questions in Mali's Email from the day before.

16ft x 5ft is the display space. Can include how ever many works would fit- the best spaces are three bigger panels,
Can put art up at the Thursday meeting
It can be up until- Saturday March 3rd -What time come pick up?
Closing reception? Get more people out to see?

Music: come play! but musicians won’t get paid.
Snacks on the artist? Don’t have a budget for it. But make it if ya want it!
Bring their own title cards: for sale info on it!
Frame own stuff- make artists statement??

++++++ Lumio- everyone in this email list was sent an invitation to join the loomio group via email.


Nick’s idea: gallery facilitators- How can we as OS peeps facilitate others’ art shows here, and and allow other people to curate it?
- like the HSU students (Mali, Zoe, Taylor) showing in April.

What are the jobs we need to create as facilitators so other people are able to do the jobs in the future by following documentation which we create?

What do we need to do here to make that possible?
- Open the doors ever Arts Arcata
- Tell them what space they can actually use
- We tell them what kind of display stuff we have- we need to know that stuff is -- GET LIST FROM INK PPL
- When can they put their art up
- can they have more than just that wall
- how can we press release and promote
- Can we be available for them to pick up their art- how long after show
- spell it all out in a contract for them to follow
- bring stuff that’s ready to hang
- how can we handle sales
- email on title card to sell yourself?
- featured artists booked as many months out as possible

++++++++march aa

  • Shawna Burden?
  • Dorian reach out to confirm others?

++++++++april aa
zoe & mali and crew are having their own meeting regarding the show, waiting to hear back from them.


Outer Space Community Gallery Artist Contract

I, _____________ (artist name) agree to show the art works listed below at the outer space community gallery from the time of installation to the time of collection.

Work is to be installed on _______________

Work is to be collected on _______________

I agree to split the proceeds of any sales with outer space at a rate of _______%

I understand that outer space is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged art work while it is being displayed.

I understand that if I do not collect my work on the agreed upon date that it may be removed or disposed of and I will forfeit any rights to uncollected work.

List of work to be displayed:

Title: Date: Description: Price:

Artist's Contact Information:

E-Mail:__________________________ Phone: __________________________

Printed Name: ______________________ Signature: ________________________ Date: _____________________


Lisken Mon 5 Feb 2018 9:31PM

looks good!
i'd love to swap out the 3 photos i currently have up, and will fill out an artist contract asap.
thanks to all involved for jump starting the gallery space again!


baby souf Wed 7 Feb 2018 2:43AM

I have notes from Zoe and I meeting up talking about the April show I will bring them to the meeting to better spitball ideas.