Fri 22 Apr 2022 12:40PM

Research into Diversity in worker co-ops

JA John Atherton Public Seen by 81

Had a request through from a researcher if you get the chance in the next few days and haven't been approached directly already, do help them out: https://essex.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1XOepXbwGNHA9p4

 “Encouraging Diversity in worker Cooperatives in the UK: A Re-examination of effective communication in a marginalized or minority group”

Dear participant, This questionnaire is investigating [The objective of my research is to encourage diversity in worker cooperatives in the UK. Particularly focusing on how to ensure effective communication in a marginalised and minority group.] .This research is being carried out by [Sumayyah Adamu Manu] under the supervision of [Kokkinidis Georgios]. You will not be asked provide your name but you may be asked to provide some demographic information for analysis purposes. Data collected through this questionnaire will be aggregated and you will not be individually identifiable in any reports or publications from this research. All information collected will be kept securely and will only be accessible by [Sumayyah Adamu Manu]. 


Simon Ball (Blake House) Sat 23 Apr 2022 9:16AM

there's a question in this: 'classify the workers ownership of the cooperative' where the only options are:

  • whites

  • Click to write Choice 2

  • Click to write Choice 3

So I wonder what this researcher is trying to achieve?