Mon 8 Jul 2019 3:39PM

Wikifactory wish list

JS Jon Schull Public Seen by 66

The Wikifactory developers want to know what we think we really really need to thrive. Cast your votes here!


Poll Created Mon 8 Jul 2019 3:50PM

What we want the most. Closed Thu 11 Jul 2019 3:02PM

You have 3 votes to distribute as you see fit.
You can add your own choices.


Results Option % of points Points Mean Voters
ability to follow stories and projects 27.6% 16 0.9 18
ability to see at a glance what is new since the last visit 13.8% 8 0.6 13
ability to embed google docs 12.1% 7 0.4 18
ability to pin specific stories, threads, and projects 12.1% 7 0.4 18
autosaving of stories 6.9% 4 0.2 18
automatic previews when posting into the forums 6.9% 4 0.3 14
ability to embed kumu and google maps 5.2% 3 0.2 18
ability to customize templates for orgs, stories, projects 5.2% 3 0.2 18
access to the development queue so we know what's coming and what isn't 3.4% 2 0.1 18
ability to programmatically access the underlying database for visualization 3.4% 2 0.1 18
ability to author readmes in markdown 1.7% 1 0.1 18
ability to embed airtable 1.7% 1 0.1 18
access to the wikifactory API 0.0% 0 0.0 18
Undecided 0% 0 0 124

19 of 143 people have participated (13%)


Zico Maharaj Wed 10 Jul 2019 7:31AM

I am still familiarising myself with this platform; so I do not want to get ahead of myself and cast a vote on this topic.