Mon 17 Dec 2018 3:09PM

Conditions for Whitelisting Reviewers

L Loie Public Seen by 158

Lindsay and I talked about a couple things to improve the Milestone Reviewers flow a month or so back, and I want to bring this here just to get approval. .


We have more users hopping onto the platform and therefore need to eliminate easy points of newbie failure like ending up with a dud reviewer.

It will be a great help when we have someone dedicated to gatekeeping the reviewers list, but I don't know who that is yet. :thinking:

See the proposal for all that we can decide on now!


Kris is
Thu 20 Dec 2018 5:33PM

what we should have urgently is - once this in place again a randomization of reviewers. all should be active so we should no longer be able to select people - this keeps it objective. You do not need to understand the content, that's the role of the campaign mgr.


Poll Created Mon 17 Dec 2018 3:24PM

Whitelist Welcome Message Closed Sun 23 Dec 2018 8:02AM

They are sent this message after being added:

"Congratulations and thank you!! You can now be a Reviewer. This is your commitment: to check the “My Milestones” page of the DApp AT LEAST once a week, and follow through on your actions in the milestone workflow. If a milestone is lacking in clarity, proof, or any element - YOU communicate this to the maker, and see though that they fix it (or re-propose if you must reject it). You may exit the reviewer role at any time, by contacting the DApp team* and letting them know you’d like to step back. We encourage you to take this initiative any time you won’t have time for milestone reviewing, because it really gums up the works and leaves people hanging when they need to get paid and their reviewer is silent. If you are slow with responding to milestones you are slated to review for more than a month, or if you aren’t selected as a reviewer for more than 3 months, you may be removed from the reviewers whitelist."

*This will hopefully become a role held by one person, the reviewer's whitelist manager role. It's up for grabs in the roles sheet and will be likely be solidified this week at the roles meeting.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 7 D KI GG K BS L MR
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 12 Q E R C EAD OJ V G JB D AA DA

7 of 19 people have participated (36%)


Tue 18 Dec 2018 3:02PM

Pretty straightforward, yes!


Kris is
Thu 20 Dec 2018 5:35PM



Loie Wed 19 Dec 2018 1:54PM

@donadams nope! "understanding which errors are blocking" just means reading the milestone tutorial :) and taking to heart what issues are serious enough that they are grounds for rejecting the milestone (aka blocking), for example, wrong calculation of ETH amount.