Thu 25 May 2017 9:38AM

European Pirate Party

TF tierce (Thierry Fenasse) Public Seen by 64


We've organised a tutorial session of the VoteIT platform, where the next Council Meeting will take place, destined for everyone (the board, delegates, and any volunteers).

The tutorial will take place next Sunday the 14th of May at 14.00 h (CEST) at the PPEU channel of the German mumble :

  • Server: mumble.piratenpartei-nrw.de
  • Port: 64738

We'll have the failsafe of the PIRATA.CAT mumble if by any chance the first one is down:

  • Server: veuip.pirata.cat
  • Port: 64738

Please try to attend to ensure a smooth running of the Council Meeting or, if this is not possible, to at least send someone else who can get familiar with the platform and transfer that knowledge to the rest.

We recommend that you register to the platform and create your user in advance.

The board is looking for volunteers who can help out drafting the first version of the Rules of Procedure that we will use in the Council Meeting, and which will be discussed for any ammendments and approved from the 25th-28th of May.


The board is also looking for volunteers to chair the meeting.

Please spread the word among your members and colleagues who might be willing to help.


The deadline is due and the Board hasn't received any nomination at all for new board members.

Our statutes say:
"(3) All nominations shall be done at least a month prior to the meeting at which the election takes place."

However, it later adds:

"(7) The Council may decide on additional rounds of voting and the admission of new candidates, if a position could not be filled."

The current Board recommends that the Council decides during the Meeting to hold those additional rounds of voting and admission of new members in order to have at least a minimal new board and hence be able to function as an organisation.

It also strongly recommends the Council Members to actively look for candidates to nominate at that time.


We don't need to meet a particular quorum to elect a new board, discuss to postpone the fee payments, or other matters, but we do need a quorum of 2/3 of the "MEMBERS ENTITLED TO VOTE" in order to approve statutes amendments. However, our statutes also say that the members who do not meet their financial commitments will lose all voting and speaking rights within the organs and bodies of the association (although the Council may allow them to delay/relieve their anual contribution). Therefore, the Board proposes to move the Membership Fee discussion to the beginning of the meeting, because this will determine which members can vote and whether we have a quorum or not.

New proposed agenda:
* Opening of the meeting (25th of May)
* Rules of procedure (25th-28th of May)
* Membership fee (29 of May-1st of June)
* Decision on changes of statutes (2nd-9th of June)
* Election of board (10th-12th of June)
* Admission of new members (13th-14th of June)
* Closing of the meeting (15th of June)


At the moment, we have received confirmation of attendance from the members in the list below:

- PPFR (verified delegate)
- PPIS (verified delegates)
- PPCAT (verified delegate)
- PPDE (verified delegates)

- PPHR -> Domain does not work anymore. Previous board members report it is currently inactive.
- PPES (Pirate Confederation)
- Young Pirates of Europe

  • PPJP -> domain does not work anymore and emails are bounced back (but since they an observer member, at least it doesn't count in the quorum)

Please, send a list of your delegates (and a link to you party's official decision) as soon as possible if you plan to attend the meeting.


It would be great if you could promote the event by sharing these posts in your social media, specially if you have colleagues in member parties who haven't confirmed their attendance.


Don't hesitate in writting back to us if you have any inquiry regarding the Council Meeting or any other matter.

Best regards,

European Pirates Board


tierce (Thierry Fenasse) Thu 25 May 2017 9:55AM


I have no time nor desire to work on it.

PPEU sent to a former active pirate, who forwarded to unused email (coreteam) and so I put it hier on Loomio.

We may have to discuss, participate, or decline. If someone is insterested ... just do-it.


Je n'ai pas le temps ni l'envie de travailler la dessus.

PPEU a envoyé à un ancien pirate, qui a fait suivre à une adresse non utilisée (coreteam) et donc je dépose ça ici sur Loomio.

Nous pourrions en discuter, participer ou décliner. Si ça intéresse quelqu'un ... faites le.

Nederlands (machine translate)

I heb geen tijd noch wil om dat te werken.

PPEU verzonden naar een voormalige(oud) piraat, die volgen op een niet gebruikt adres (coreteam) en dus liet ik dat hier op Loomio.

Wij kunnen bespreken, deelnemen of weigeren. Als dat belang iemand, doe het.


Josse Thu 25 May 2017 10:15AM

This is not the pirate way of working. Delegating delegations works anti-democratically: that is the problem with the EU. We could bring it up as a point that this way of working is anti-democratic and that we propose a more swarm-wise way. I don't see why decisions could not be made by online voting by a larger number. The goal is to encourage as many countries as possible for the next EU elections. Then this statutes mumbo jumbo does not help us.


tierce (Thierry Fenasse) Sun 28 May 2017 1:20AM


For those who wanna join that PPEU assembly just to test / try the VoteIT tool. It's a GPL one and the sources are available here.

I declared myself as NOT the representative for PPBE (see joined capture).

I suppose that if someone wants to promote him / herself as our representative, it may be transparent at some point and we may cry later if bad decisions are made because of our lack of interest.

Life is fun, do not hesitate to enjoy discovering new things.


Pour ceux et celles qui veulent se joindre à l'assemblée du PPEU, ne fut-ce que pour tester / essayer l'outil VoteIT. C'est un outil sous licence GPL et les sources sont disponibles ici.

Je me suis déclaré comme N'ÉTANT PAS le représentant du PPBE (voir capture ci-jointe).

Je suppose que si quelqu'un-e souhaite s'autoproclamer en tant que notre représentant-e, ce sera un tant soit peu transparent et nous pourrons pleurer plus tard si de mauvaises décisions sont prises à cause de notre manque d'intérêt.

La vie est amusante, n'hésitez pas à vous réjouir de la découverte de choses nouvelles.

Nederlands (machine translate)

Voor degenen die willen toetreden tot de PPEU Vergadering, al was het maar om te testen / proberen het gereedschap VoteIT. Het is een hulpmiddel onder de GPL en bronnen beschikbaar zijn hier.

Verklaarde ik mezelf als NIET zijnde de vertegenwoordiger van PPBE (zie bijgevoegde capture).

Ik denk dat als iemand wil zich te verkondigen als onze vertegenwoordiger, het zal een beetje transparen zijn, en kunnen we later huilen als slechte beslissingen zijn gemaakt als gevolg van onze gebrek aan belangstelling.

Het leven is leuk, voel je vrij om zich te verheugen in de ontdekking van nieuwe dingen.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 7 Oct 2017 8:15PM

Ce dimanche 8 octobre ont lieu les élections locales au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

Les 20 et 21 octobre auront lieu les élections législatives en République tchèque.


Deze zondag 8 oktober vinden in het Groothertogdom Luxemburg gemeenteraadsverkiezingen plaats.

20 en 21 oktober zijn het de parlementsverkiezingen in de Tsjechische Republiek.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sun 8 Oct 2017 10:47PM

Apparemment 3 pirates ont été élus dans leur commune pour les élections locales au Luxembourg :

  • 2 dans la commune de Pétange (9.18% des voix pour la liste pirate)
  • 1 dans la commune de Remich (14%)
  • 0 pour Luxembourg-Ville (2,64%)
  • 0 pour Kielen (5,53%)
  • 0 pour Esch-sur-Alzette (1,66%)

Renaud Van Eeckhout Mon 16 Oct 2017 1:49PM

Email just received at contact@ppbe :


A forward of the official invitation for the council meeting in November
to those being a member party of European Pirate Party (PPEU) and others
who are interested its work. (in BCC)

See the memberlist at: http://ppeu.net/wiki/doku.php?id=ppeu:members

Best regards


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [pp-eu.council] Request for a council meeting - Art. 14 (7)
Statutes PPEU - Prague, Nov. 18./19., 2017
Datum: Sun, 15 Oct 2017 21:32:27 +0200
Von: Mikuláš Peksa [email protected]
Antwort an: Council of the European Pirate Party
[email protected]
An: Council of the European Pirate Party
[email protected],
[email protected]

Dear council members,

Respecting the article 16 (6) of the Statues, on behalf of the Board, I
hereby invite you to a council meeting.
The council meeting will be held on the 18th and 19th of November 2017
in Prague at Česká pirátská strana, Řehořova 943/19, Praha 3, Czech

We, all the Board members, deeply regret that article 14 (7) of the
Statues was violated as the Council meeting did not take place during
2016. Please support this very last opportunity to organise a meeting in

Looking forward to see you in Prague!

Best regards,

Mikuláš Peksa
Board member
European Pirate Party

Od: Thomas Gaul [email protected]
Komu: PPEU Board [email protected],
Datum: 10.10.2017 22:46
Předmět: [pp-eu.council] Request for a council meeting - Art. 14 (7)

Dear Board of PPEU,

On behalf of the following Member Parties of PPEU and its delegates the
undersigned requests a council meeting according to article 14 (7) of
the PPEU - to be held on the 18th and 19th of November 2017 in Prague
at Česká pirátská strana, Řehořova 943/19, Praha 3, Czech Republik:

Pirate Party of France
Pirate Party of Switzerland
Pirate Party of Czech Republik
Pirate Party of Norway
Pirate Party of Germany
Pirate Party of Austria

Additionally we propose the agenda provided to you in the annex to this

The mentioned place is already reserved for PPEU. Please send out your
invitation by 15.10.2017 at the latest.

For your information PPDE and other parties will take care for further

On behalf of the above mentioned parties.

Best regards

Thomas Gaul, Council member for PPDE
Jens Stomber, Council member for PPDE
Alexander Spies, Council member for PPDE
Gregory Engels, Council member for PPDE

Sample Invitation, can be used as one to one copy:

Invitation to the PPEU Council Meeting November 2017

Dear European Pirates,

We would like to invite you to the next council meeting of PPEU. This
meeting will be held in Prague on

   November 18th and 19th 2017


   Česká pirátská strana, Řehořova 943/19, Praha 3, Czech Republik

The council meeting is the equivalent of the General Assembly for the
organization, and at the meeting we will among other things elect a new
board, decide on the admittance of observer members and have a
discussion on the future direction for our organization. A draft agenda
you will find in the annex of this Email.

Other pirates and interested persons are also very welcome to join as
guests at the Council meeting.

Socialising events for Friday, 17th and Saturday 18th will be announced
in time.

To register for the conference please send an email to
[email protected] and put the organisers in CC
([email protected]). In the email you should include name,
if you are a delegate from a party. If you will attend remotely (via
mumble) please inform as as you will have to hand in another document
to very your attendence. This will be taken care of later.

Proposing candidates for the board and putting forth proposals to the
Council meeting
All ordinary members can put forth candidates to the board of the
European Pirate Party and submit items for the agenda of the Council

Please note that the deadline for board nominations and proposals for
statutes changes are 18th of October 2017.

Best regards

XXY, Board of PPEU


Proposed Agenda:

17.11.2017 - FRIDAY (Inoffical part):

18.11.2017 - SATURDAY (6 hours):

  1. Opening of the meeting (13:00)

a. Appoint 1 chairperson, 2 secretaries, 2 vote counters
b. Establishing quorum (13:10)
c. Adopt rules of procedure & agenda (13:15)

  1. Membership fee requests (delay, partial or total relievance) (13:20)

  2. New members presentation & admission
    a. Ordinary Member :
    b. Observer Member :

  3. Report be the Board of PPEU

  4. Discussion & vote - Future of the organisation

  5. Discussion & vote - Statutes amendments

Proposal 1: Move to Luxembourg - Link
Proposal 2: More to Luxembourg plus more - Link

19.11.2017 - SUNDAY

  • Remaining items from Saturday, if there are any
  • Approval of accounts and reports
  • Board elections
  • Other items

Agenda http://ppeu.net/wiki/doku.php?id=council-agenda_2017


internationaler Koordinator - international Coordinator
Piratenpartei Deutschland - Pirate Party of Germany

Pflugstraße 9a, D-10115 Berlin, Germany

Vorstand: Patrick Schiffer (Vorsitzender), Carsten Sawosch
(Stellvertretender Vorsitzender), Lothar Krauß (Schatzmeister), Kristos
Thingilouthis (Politischer Geschäftsführer), Steffen Heuer
(Stellvertretender Schatzmeister), Thomas Knoblich (Amtierender
Generalsekretär), Alexander Niedermeier (Stellvertretender politischer


Koen De Voegt Tue 17 Oct 2017 1:19PM

A lot of discussion about this is still going on the international level as this is not an official invitation form the PPEU board. Regardless it's time that we, PPBE, make our position towards PPEU (and PPI for that matter) clear.

I propose we open polls, here on loomio, to confirm our membership to both organisations. If membership is confirmed, then we elect new representatives towards both international Pirate organisations. Other option is to wait for a next GA, but in that case we will once again not be formally represented at an international meeting.


HgO Tue 17 Oct 2017 2:53PM

I never understood what is the purpose behind PPEU and PPI ? I think we should clarify this, as this would help us a lot to decide if we want to stay in those organizations. As a reminder, this topic "popped" in the past during a lab (Well, to be fair we didn't talk about this during the lab, as you (Koen) didn't give us enough information at that time).

Regarding PPEU, the membership fee is 300€/year, just saying... I'm currently trying to understand how the PPI's membership fee is working...

Finally, who would be our candidates anyways ?


Koen De Voegt Tue 17 Oct 2017 10:15PM

Let me start of by saying that it is a sad day for PPBE, when the first person responding to any loomio question is someone who has clearly shown himself to be the most active and longest serving troll in PPBE's history. Please HgO keep on going until you are the last person in the party because you as an individual have cost us several active members.

Pirates inform themselves, but for non pirates like HgO I will gladly provide the requested information:

for PPEU:

Article 4 – Principles

(1) The Association shall pursue international aims in respect of the
principles on which the European Union is based, namely principles of
freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, respect of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms, and respect for the Rule of Law.

(2) The Association shall work as transparent as possible, regarding
the protection of personal data and the right to privacy of the people

(3) The Association shall take into account the opinions of the
individual Pirates who are members of any of the member parties.
Important decisions shall be based on democratic principles for the
inner workings of the Association.

(4) The Association shall adhere to all regulations necessary to being recognized as a Party at European level.

(5) The members of the Association shall adopt a common Pirate Manifesto
(Annex C) which shall reflect the principles and policies of the
European Pirate movement.

(6) All decisions concerning choices and attitudes of PPEU member
parties or political organizations in their own countries remain
strictly under the sovereignty of national parties.

(7) The Association may carry out all operations and conduct all
activities (including real estate transactions), both in Belgium and
abroad, which directly or indirectly increase or promote its objectives
under the condition that these activities adhere to the principles of
this organisation stated in this article.
The Association does not undertake industrial or commercial transactions
and does not seek to procure a profit to its members.

Article 5 - Objectives

(1) Purpose of the organisation is to represent the European Pirate
movement towards the European institutions and to work in the interest
of its members by, amongst other things:

  • a) Facilitating coordination and cooperation between its members.

  • b) Assisting its members to promote the Pirate movement in Europe.

  • c) Taking as its principles the Pirate manifesto, as will be annexed to the statutes.

  • d) Functioning as a link between European Pirate Parties and Pirate MEPs.

  • e) Encouraging and support its members in organizing events focused on European topics.

for PPI:

II. Goals

(1) The goals of the association are:

a) to act according to the major interests and goals of its Members,
b) to raise awareness and widen the spread of the pirate movement, and
c) to support the pirate movement and strengthen its bonds internally and externally,
d) to promote and support Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

(2) To accomplish these objectives the association shall, among other things:

a) provide for and extend communication between the Members of the association,
b) assist in the foundation of new pirate parties,
c) organize and coordinate global campaigns and events,
d) act as mediator or arbitrator for any disputes between Members if requested to do so,
e) share information and coordinate research on the core pirate topics,
f) contact NGO’s, administrations and international organizations, and
g) act as a contact centre for the pirate movement.


HgO Wed 18 Oct 2017 7:27AM

I see why you are mute most of the time : when you speak, your mouth is full of insults...

So, for PPEU and PPI, there is a difference between the principles, the theory, etc. and the reality. In other words, I don't think these organizations respected their principles, nor achieved their objectives so far. That's why I was asking you : is there any activity report from PPI and PPEU available somewhere ?

The reason why you are getting mad is because we are talking about your baby. We all know who would be the candidate if we were to confirm our membership. Listen carefully @koendv I will never vote for you to be our delegate in any of those organizations, even if you were the only choice.

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