Wed 8 Sep 2021 8:08AM

Child Protection Representative

JE Jason Emmins Public Seen by 29

We have a Child Safety Code of Conduct and Statement that has recently been reviewed (as part of our NDIS Audit requirements). In this Code of Conduct and Statement, it identifies Jeder Institute should have a nominated member (or members) that can act as Child Protection Representatives.

We discussed this at the Risk Jedi today (08/09/21) and would like to put a call out to our members to see if anyone is interested in being a Child Protection Representative. Whilst the full details of what this means is not yet confirmed, it was discussed the main role would be:

  • Keep up to date with relevant Mandatory Reporting Obligations in the states in which we operate (currently NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS).

  • Provide training or education to our membership regarding Mandatory Reporting requirements/obligations (or making sure our membership has essential mandatory reporting training at a minimum and this is updated regularly- i.e. yearly).

  • Act as an internal point of contact for members who may have questions in relation to child protection matters and/or reporting obligations.

If you are interested in exploring this role more or would like to be considered as a Jeder Child Protection Representative, please indicate your interest here.


Vic Tyler Wed 8 Sep 2021 11:11PM

I'm happy to help out with Child protection representative in what ever capacity.