
Proposal: Confirm Dick Ochs as MGP Delegate on the International Committee

VST Vincent S Tola Public Seen by 16

Questions have emerged over whether Dick Ochs was ever reconfirmed by the Maryland Green Party Coordinating Council to the GPUS International Committee. The CC reconfirmed a number of GPUS delegates at its 8/26/2020 meeting. A review of the Zoom recording of that meeting showed that the CC attempted to recall from memory the names of all of the MGP members currently serving on GPUS committees and reconfirm them to their posts. For whatever reason (whether by accident or intent), the CC did not mention the name of "Richard Ochs" (aka Dick Ochs). The MGP CC discussed this at its 11/23/21 meeting via Zoom. At that meeting, there was unanimous consent from the delegates present (and quorum was reached) that the MGP should confirm Dick Ochs as an MGP delegate to the GPUS International Committee through the remainder of the current term, which ends in August 2022. This proposal, if adopted, will provide written confirmation of the MGP's decision to appoint Dick Ochs to the International Committee through August 2022.

*Note: A state party can have up to three slots on each committee. Therefore, the MGP would still have two vacancies on the International Committee. The CC agreed at its 11/23/21 meeting to put out a call for Maryland Green Party members to fill those slots


Poll Created Wed 24 Nov 2021 4:42PM

Confirm Dick Ochs on the International Committee through 8/22. Closed Sat 27 Nov 2021 4:01PM

by Vincent S Tola Sat 27 Nov 2021 7:45PM

The Maryland Green Party Coordinating Council re-confirmed Dick Ochs to his post on the GPUS International Committee by a vote of 12 in favor and none against (100% of those who voted). Dick Ochs shall serve on the International Committee for the remainder of the term, which ends in August 2022.

*This is a procedural motion, requiring 50% + 1 support from voting members of the Coordinating Council. The Maryland Green Party confirms Richard Ochs (aka "Dick Ochs") to the GPUS International Committee through the end of the current term, which ends in August 2022.


Results Option % of points Voters
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 4 MGP

12 of 16 people have participated (75%)


Renaud De'Aundre Brown
Wed 24 Nov 2021 4:43PM

I know Dick from my other circles and he will continue to represent us well.


Mary Tyrtle Rooker
Wed 24 Nov 2021 4:43PM

I am convinced that the CC intended to renew Dick Ochs also at our Aug. 26, 2020 CC meeting. I watched the recording of it recently and thought that was eminently clear. Glad we're making it official.


Matt Hand
Wed 24 Nov 2021 4:43PM

The CC appeared to intend to renew all committee appointments and not mentioning Dick Ochs by name was a technical oversight that should not prevent his renewal.


I think this was the intent of the group last year when confirming other MD GP delegates to national committees.


Thanks! I just voted.

See cool info on my previous email just sent. Perhaps we could put some of this on our state website?

Take care,Nancy Wallace

Co-chair, Montgomery County Green Party (MD)

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Restore, Regenerate,
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I live on the land of the Piscataway tribe.