Wed 19 Sep 2012 3:14AM

The Great Loomio Guide to Markdown

PS Paul Smith Public Seen by 2

Paul Smith Wed 19 Sep 2012 3:14AM

Introduction to Markdown

Markdown adds formatting to your comments and proposals to make them easier to read.


There's four different heading sizes, they get smaller as you go:

# One hash heading
## Two hash heading
### Three hash heading
#### Four hash heading

One hash heading

Two hash heading

Three hash heading

Four hash heading


Support for bold and italics.

*italics with asterisks* or _italics with underscores_
**bold with asterisks** or __bold with underscores__

italics with asterisks or italics with underscores
bold with asterisks or bold with underscores


Numbered lists

1. First point.
2. Second point.
3. Third point.
  1. First point.
  2. Second point.
  3. Third point.

Bullet points

* First point.
* Second point.
* Third point.
  • First point.
  • Second point.
  • Third point.

Note: You must add a space before your first point.


Introduction Paragraph

1. First Point
2. Second Point
3. Third point


Introduction Paragraph
1. First Point
2. Second Point
3. Third point


Just add a > before each line.

> First line of a quote
> Second line of a quote
> More Quote

First line of a quote
Second line of a quote
More Quote

Horizontal Rules

These are the dividers that go across the screen. To add them use three dashes, asterisks or underscores in a row.
