Tue 6 Oct 2015 8:46PM

Welcome / introduce yourself

AR Adam Russell Public Seen by 228

Hi all, this group is well underway now and it's great to have you here as a part of it. Although many of the members already know each other, certainly nobody here knows everybody. Please feel free to introduce yourself eg. quick bio, location, reasons for being here etc. whatever you fancy :)

PHOTOS: It also helps if you give yourself a custom user icon instead of just your initials. To do this, click your user button in the top right of the user interface, select 'Profile' and then under 'Picture' select 'Upload a new image'. Further instructions here

NOTIFICATIONS: You can control the frequency of emails from Loomio by adjusting the 'Volume' dropdown in the righthand sidebar. Also note that once you have posted in a discussion the volume defaults to 'Loud' until you change it back to something quieter... (volume button in top right) Further guidance is available here.


Helen Moore Wed 7 Oct 2015 12:14PM


Maddie Broad Wed 7 Oct 2015 12:18PM

Maddie Broad-


Interested in playing with power and politics in the University institution. I usually make things that happen (rather than make things).


Adam Russell Thu 8 Oct 2015 1:31PM

I'm a former videogame developer with a background in philosophy and Artificial Intelligence, who moved down to Cornwall last year to begin an AHRC-funded practice-based PhD at Falmouth University. My practice employs real-time interaction with computational processes to explore issues of duration, improvisation and non-instrumental agency within rational systems.

I initiated the AntiUniversity Now! Cornish Fringe festival after meeting @shirishalmy at CAST Helston in July (but only once I was sufficiently egged-on to do so by @daviddevanny @jeromefletcher and @maddiebroad )