Mon 17 Dec 2018 6:11AM

Camp Registration

HK Haley K Public Seen by 146

Registration process
tasks involved; edit update website. customer satisfaction. outreach strategy. ect..

Sliding scale options or apply for work exchange.

Take a look at Starhawk's registration.. used good drive to do application- just includes transportation info and sign up for carpool, emergency contact, food and diet, and payment options you’ll likely choose

After you fill in form they ask you to link over to their website to pay.


Alex Mon 17 Dec 2018 5:27PM

awesome! spoke to my cousin and all of this is fairly simple, id be able to get this done with him as soon as we get the login for the site... do we have that in the drive? i dont have access in the moment and we could start this asap.

james! whats your number? please contact me 416-843-0821

ill be going out to see Dom and Laura this Friday, leaving around 9:30 am if anyone would like to join.

will discuss the emergency strategy to have a portable kitchen, what we would need and what the budget would look like.

please let me know if there is anything i missed


Roxy Cohen Tue 18 Dec 2018 10:07AM

Re website: contact Kristen - she'll want to train someone on the aesthetics of the site before passing over access :) love seeing all this conversation + movement!


Deleted account Tue 18 Dec 2018 6:57PM

Just to let folks know Ontario Public Service Employees Union -OPSU- has a mobile kitchen that Joe says they aren't using. If we can't find a site that has a good kitchen space, maybe we can rent or buy OPSU's mobile kitchen


Deleted account Fri 21 Dec 2018 5:32PM

Hi folks, here is the list from the Google Drive.