
Kiez Burn - Site Planning - Water - Power - signs


The maps:

Art lead & KBORG

  • site planning: For the Art lead and KBORG to edit, you find the spreadsheet where you can enter your location needs. http://bit.ly/2qXAeQB
  • Power planning For the Art lead and KBORG to edit, you find the spreadsheet where you can enter your power needs. http://bit.ly/2qVOWrm

Power guidelines

  • All the power guidelines can be found here: http://bit.ly/2qZMFeO
  • important note: you will need to organize your own cabling inside your Kiez, there will be no spare cables for that

Sound guidelines

Aim your sound eastwards. A complete protocol attatchment is available to download at the bottom of this.

Site planning

The layers on final map

==> http://bit.ly/2qVmBkM
* Kieze & Freekiezing: all the Kieze and areas for freecamping
* KBORG: Kiez Burn Org areas/buildings
* Art: TBD
* Power: WIP
* Water: WIP


  • on the maps you can find 2 layers that contain pictures
  • you can find a bunch of pics here as well: http://bit.ly/2qXp8en


  • If you have questions surrounding the site: Please post them in this group
  • If you want to contact site planning privately, contact person: Randy - Email: [email protected]
  • if you want to contact power privately, contact person: [email protected] with people behind it: Johannes & Relativity (more tbd)


  • KBORG = Kiez Burn Org. Interestingly, the urban dictionary defines this as "some whipped bitch who thinks he gets all the bitches. but in fact, doesnt."