
Inclusive Education WA Student Group Network

This group exists to support a network of staff who support LGBTI+ student groups in Western Australian Schools. Here you can share resources and ideas, request community support, organise events and training, and see what else is happening in your community.
A few things to keep in mind:
- Please ensure you model respectful ally behavior whilst using this group. This is a place were diversity is respected; including names, pronouns, and identities. Threatening, or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.
- We encourage you sharing your knowledge or questions here but please do not identify specific confidential persons, students, staff, or school information. If you need specific support please get in touch with Inclusive Education directly
- Make the most of this network by getting involved in threads, and coming along to our meetings. Include each other where you can.
- If you yourself are struggling with anything, Qlife offers free support to allys and LGBTI+ persons www.qlife.org.au
- Be sure to update your notifaction/email settings for this group. We want to avoid spam and ensure that you are keeping up to date with the most relevant and recent LGBTI support information

For more information or questions please email [email protected]