
Howie's Headstone in Milverton

Howard Davies died in July 2014 and was buried in Milverton Parish Churchyard.

A fund to pay for a headstone for Howie was co-ordinated by Helene Stainer, the Vicar of Milverton. The fund closed in January 2016, having raised about £800 ~ very grateful thanks to Helene, and to all the generous contributors.

Rachel Gundry is a local stonemason and lettercutter and is kindly producing a design for the headstone, which will be in a beautiful natural red sandstone from Capton Quarry near Williton.
Chisel won't meet stone until Autumn 2016, so we have time to agree on some succinct words for Howie's epitaph.

Because so many people representing diverse threads of Howie's broad interests contributed to his headstone fund, widely dispersed geographically, Chris Walford has set up this group to share and develop the plan across the community of Howies's friends and contributors

About Loomio, Chris says:
"I hope it's more inclusive, easier to use and easier to follow, and more suitable for the purpose than Facebook. Members can post pictures, pdfs, texts, make proposals and vote on suggestions"
so please try it out and let him know what you think.

This group grows by your invitations; Chris will invite those he knows, but please cascade your own invitations to those you know will want to be included.

Once this group has done it's job, the group will be dissolved; no information is shared outside the group.