
Social Welfare

DS Danyl Strype Public Seen by 28

There has been some discussion in NZ Pirates forums about replacing/ underpinning existing welfare benefits with some kind of "universal basic income" or "citizens dividend". Both Mana and the New Economics Party have policies supporting this, and variants on the proposal have also been supported by economists like Gareth Morgan, and Keith Rankin.



Adam Bullen Wed 30 Apr 2014 8:17AM

@strypey I'm not really sure, I just took the numbers off the government website, though I did assume the full $200/wk for all New Zealanders including children. This would probably work out as more money then many families are getting currently.

I think the biggest benefit would be, as has already been stated, that people would be able to work part time as they wanted without being discriminated against.


David Peterson Wed 30 Apr 2014 11:07AM

The problem with UBI is it starts out nice enough in theory, but in practise it would be impossible to implement like that and would get quickly distorted out of recognition, leaving us in a much much worse situation in the long run. Thus I'm quite against the idea of a UBI. Not unless we can get a iron fisted dictator to keep it on track, but none of us want that kind of compromise!


Andrew Reitemeyer Thu 1 May 2014 5:08AM

@davidpeterson so you disagree with Hayek and Friedman on this? Or do you prefer negative income tax?

Could you please give more information on how UBI would get distorted.The implementations of UBI, so far in the world.. are either still going or stopped for ideological reasons, The only time a dictator was needed was in ancient Rome.


David Peterson Thu 1 May 2014 5:17AM

Seems you don't follow Milton Friedman closely enough.... sure, in the early days he supported this due to how nice it could be theoretically. But later he came to oppose it completely as he realised how in practise it would get twisted far beyond its intentions.


Andrew Reitemeyer Thu 1 May 2014 7:33AM

At least you are basing your argument on something :)


Andrew Reitemeyer Thu 1 May 2014 8:03AM

@davidpeterson Could you give me a reference for Friedman's flipflop on negative income tax please?


Andrew Reitemeyer Thu 1 May 2014 8:16AM

This NYT article says just the opposite. Congress was the one that did not want to implement negative income tax for the reasons you state. So you support the state over Mr Friedman?


David Peterson Thu 1 May 2014 8:31AM

Hmmm... doing a quick google search and can't quite seem to put my finger on the reference :-/ If I recall it was just in his much later years that he changed his mind. But perhaps I'm wrong, it does happen now and then ;-)

Anyway, I thought it is pretty clear to those who know my views that I'm not simply a follower of Milton Friedman? He is Chicago School, I'm Austrian. Big difference! :-P

Anyway, read these:

You'll see two things, why I don't see UBI/NIT/whatever as a particularly great idea, and what a huge gulf there is between what typically get seen floating around the internet (such as this thread) vs what Milton Friedman was actually proposing. So is utterly ridiculous to bring him up as an example in "support" of these proposals.


David Peterson Thu 1 May 2014 8:40AM

To give you an idea of just how badly out of whack every other proposal I read is, in comparison to what Milton Friedman proposed:

[[[[The problem that the NIT (negative income tax) evades or glosses over is the problem of the individual or family with zero income. If an individual were given only $300 (the figure suggested in Professor Friedman's original proposal in 1962), nobody would regard this as nearly adequate — particularly if, as Professor Friedman also proposed, NIT were made a complete substitute for all other forms of relief and welfare. If the NIT payment for a family of zero income is set at $1,700, no advocate of the guaranteed income would regard it as adequate to live on in "decency and dignity." So if the NIT were ever adopted, the political pressure would be irresistible to make it provide the minimum "poverty-line" income of $3,400 even to families with zero earned income.]]]]


So about NZ$2730 in our dollars today.

Anybody here wants to propose that we set a universal income for everybody of less than $3k and in return we abolish ALL social welfare?

Well, then.... just maybe, maybe... maybe I might support that! (though I still feel it is a rather bad idea to go off track from the core tech policies of PPNZ)

Anything else too far from this, can not, and should stop, referring to Milton Friedman as "support" for their ideas.


David Peterson Thu 1 May 2014 8:44AM

Oh, and as well as abolishing social welfare, we'd also abolish the minimum wage.

I expect I won't hear any takers for this proposal....

As otherwise you simply can not pick and choose those bits and pieces you like from what they said, which you like, then distort them to fit what you want.

You need to see the whole bigger picture.

Which is to have some form of universal income, that is intended to replace completely the existing welfare state, and the minimum wage would get abolished. Without those last two key components, doing the first is completely pointless, and instead very hazardous and destructive.

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