Mon 28 Mar 2022 8:46PM


NJJ Nijil Jamal Jones Public Seen by 10

The following is the agreed upon Accountability (Follow Through with small tasks - big goals and everything in between) Policies of the Co-op. They are modeled on non-punitive restorative and transformative justice models that seek to find solutions to conflicts.

Much of the Policies are centered around check-ins that can identify gaps for team members regarding their personal and professional needs and goals.

We set up Pods that meet every month to discuss company goals and needs and personal goals and needs.

Much of our Policies are centered around feed-back that consistently shares perspective on work.

Each Team (Sales, Kitchen, Outreach, Education, Information, Research, etc.) has consistent meetings that include regular report-backs on how work is going and provides feedback from other team members.

Much of our Policies center around recording commitments and follow through.

We record projects, roles and tasks that we are committed to with specific dates and metrics and instructions for completing tasks. When tasks are followed through with, we can celebrate our team members. We also can be aware when tasks are not followed through with.

We agree that our commitments include all tasks that we agree to perform, but our commitments are, in fact, far greater. We commit to nourishing an enterprise that will enrich and uplift our historically marginalized communities, an enterprise with the capacity to affect significant social change on behalf of our communities.

We commit to respecting and advancing all of the work that folks that ever done to support the co-op, all of our other current team members and all of the future worker-owners and supporters and those impacted.

Much of our Policies center around effective communication.

We have trainings on effective communication, including nonviolent, assertive and Imago communication. Our expectation is plenty of communication or even over-communication. We encourage and activate multiple various lines of communication by reaching out to new folks in new ways. We have a culture of effective and honest communication, couched in psychological safety, the ability to communicate without being disparaged or humiliated.


Poll Created Mon 28 Mar 2022 8:46PM

Accountability Policies Closed Wed 6 Apr 2022 2:01AM

The following is the agreed upon Accountability (Follow Through with small tasks - big goals and everything in between) Policies of the Co-op. They are modeled on non-punitive restorative and transformative justice models that seek to find solutions to conflicts.

Much of the Policies are centered around check-ins that can identify gaps for team members regarding their personal and professional needs and goals.

We set up Pods that meet every month to discuss company goals and needs and personal goals and needs.

Much of our Policies are centered around feed-back that consistently shares perspective on work.

Each Team (Sales, Kitchen, Outreach, Education, Information, Research, etc.) has consistent meetings that include regular report-backs on how work is going and provides feedback from other team members.

Much of our Policies center around recording commitments and follow through.

We record projects, roles and tasks that we are committed to with specific dates and metrics and instructions for completing tasks. When tasks are followed through with, we can celebrate our team members. We also can be aware when tasks are not followed through with.

We agree that our commitments include all tasks that we agree to perform, but our commitments are, in fact, far greater. We commit to nourishing an enterprise that will enrich and uplift our historically marginalized communities, an enterprise with the capacity to affect significant social change on behalf of our communities.

We commit to respecting and advancing all of the work that folks that ever done to support the co-op, all of our other current team members and all of the future worker-owners and supporters and those impacted.

Much of our Policies center around effective communication.

We have trainings on effective communication, including nonviolent, assertive and Imago communication. Our expectation is plenty of communication or even over-communication. We encourage and activate multiple various lines of communication by reaching out to new folks in new ways. We have a culture of effective and honest communication, couched in psychological safety, the ability to communicate without being disparaged or humiliated.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 2 ED AJ
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 11 NJJ K J SA IU CX C JK J

2 of 13 people have participated (15%)


Everett Dixon
Mon 28 Mar 2022 9:10PM

This seems to be an effective solution to some of the recurring issues we’ve been having.


Adrian Jordan
Wed 30 Mar 2022 2:46AM

This accountability proposal is an effective and progressive policy compared to the others I’ve seen. I like that it keeps it non threatening or like a soul contract.