Mon 5 Dec 2016 9:51AM

The Library Of Everything.

SS Stevie Sleuth Public Seen by 328

What is a library of everything? A library of everything is a place where people can find anything and everything they need for everyday life. From tools, to clothes, to furniture, all to be found, in one place.
The objective is to get everyone to donate what they do not need or want anymore to the library of everything. While also in the technology can supply these libraries with items on demand. (3D printing) etc. So then it can share it to the community that is in need of it.
The Library of Everything is an idea that is mainly based for a free world solution. In a free world, the Library Of Everything will be looking at replacing the shops and malls, in the cities around the world and will be supplying the people of a Free World movement with things they need for everyday life.
We can start this idea off, by sharing the things we have now, that we do not need or use anymore. As it grows, it can then look at holding items in sheds or donated spaces, so it can then be distribute from these places to the community instead of private homes being used. The objective is to get every city to have a library of everything, for people to use as a tool for survival and to support a free world movement.