Fri 13 Feb 2015 11:33AM


GMB Georgie May Birch Public Seen by 144

As emailed it would be great to get some suggestions on what words to include in the green action tree mural design that has been emailed around. I propose about 6 words that describe the values of the food co-op within green action. Words like 'ethical, organic, health...' can all be used to attract future members to engaging with the shop. Put down your suggestions here and then we can hopefully get painting very soon :)


Georgie May Birch Fri 13 Feb 2015 11:34AM


bissera Fri 13 Feb 2015 11:42AM

how about inquiring or aware
or maybe some of the words we came up with at the meeting?


Hannah Biggs Fri 13 Feb 2015 11:44AM

Love the Design and the colour! :D 'Green Action Cooperative' might be better above the tree in a straight line, I find it quite hard to read within the branches... just an idea...


Annmarie Fri 13 Feb 2015 11:48AM

We're still gonna have Green Action Food Co-op on the top of the shop as usual. Something about working together or community would be good. I like sustainable, local and ethical.


Joy Sat 14 Feb 2015 9:02AM

Here are the words from the meeting (also in the attachment)
Core ethics:
Environmental, practical, educational, community coop,
People care, positive change, resilience, non-hierarchical, non-confrontational, grassroots, non-profit, holistic, human health, access to information, accessible, inclusive,


Hannah Biggs Sat 14 Feb 2015 10:53AM

Most of these have already been said but I like- Democratic, Independent/ Autonomous, Vegan, Local, Ethical, Not for Profit, Inclusive


Marcel Sat 21 Feb 2015 9:24AM

I like what has been proposed but would aim to always go for a positive version. Instead of non-hierarchical --> horizontal


Georgie May Birch Thu 26 Feb 2015 9:05AM

ok! so as not to bombard the design with words as when we're open we're the ones who can give all this delightful information :) Anything we put is already giving more information and attraction than the currently grey metal shutter.
I also think it might be good to stick to words that tend to be easily understood by a wide selection of people.
To move this forward and so i can send a proposal to the union/ we can paint this after easter?
I propose: