Thu 17 Dec 2015 2:00AM

Please read our book about CC in NZ

EH Elizabeth Heritage Public Seen by 35

Kia ora

I'm really pleased to announce that we have just published our book, A Quiet Revolution: Growing Creative Commons in Aotearoa on our website:


Happy reading! We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Meri Kirihimete!



Dmitry Sokolov Sun 27 Mar 2016 12:02AM

The book is being converted to the knowledge network format:
Your participation would be appreciated.


Danyl Strype Sun 27 Mar 2016 3:54AM

@falcondot could you please explain what you mean by "knowledge network format"?


Danyl Strype Sun 27 Mar 2016 3:59AM

A couple of other things about the book. It's currently appearing under "latest news" on CreativeCommons.org.nz, which is great, but other than that, it's very hard to find on the website. It's not currently mentioned on the 'About' page, which seems like a good place to mention it. Under 'Resources', it doesn't appear if you click on 'print', you have to click 'See All' and scroll right down to the bottom. It's a fantastic piece of work, and I'd like to see it featured front and centre on the front page, perhaps a banner under the CC Kiwi video?

Also, the version that downloads by default is the .EPUB version. Although this is officially an open standard, it's akin to .PDF in its early days, badly implemented in most software, and very difficult to read in GNU/Linux or MacOSX. It would be great if that download link either a) gave the user a choice of formats, or b) took the user to the Archive.org page where they are available.


Dmitry Sokolov Sun 27 Mar 2016 5:44AM

Hi Strypey,

Knowledge Network is a network of interconnected atoms of knowledge:

Can be used for collective intelligence including teaching/learning, project development, collective decision making.

Writing in KN format means interconnecting bits and pieces of knowledge of one page with other pages / topics / knowledge nods available on the Knowledge Network. Usually done by means of hyperlinking.


Dmitry Sokolov Sun 27 Mar 2016 11:18AM

"free public access to academic research", p.11
Does it includes Citizen Science or Open Access to the results only?
Thank you.


Matt McGregor Tue 29 Mar 2016 8:13PM

It's really just open access - we have a relatively narrow focus on access and licensing. I'd see this as a subset of the broader open / public research movement, which includes science communication, citizen science, etc.


Dmitry Sokolov Tue 29 Mar 2016 8:46AM

Dear All,
I am reading the book and have a lot of questions. What forum or a working group should I address them to?
Thank you


Matt McGregor Tue 29 Mar 2016 8:12PM

Hi @falcondot - great to see you engaging with the book. Throw any questions to [email protected]


Dmitry Sokolov Sun 1 May 2016 7:49AM

Strypey, thank you for the link. Added to LiM.
Comparative analysis can be found here:

http://confocal-manawatu.pbworks.com/w/page/107653629/LikeInMind%20vs%20MetaMaps ( http://confocal-manawatu.pbworks.com/w/page/107653629/LikeInMind%20vs%20MetaMaps )

I strongly agree PBWorks is not ideal for the task. I am looking
for a possibility of development/transfer onto a P2P Collective
Intelligence platform with features listed here:

http://confocal-manawatu.pbworks.com/AIMS ( http://confocal-manawatu.pbworks.com/AIMS )

Please let me know if you have further suggestions / ideas.

Thanks again!!


Danyl Strype Mon 2 May 2016 5:53AM

So as to avoid hijacking this thread, we have moved the discussion of Dmitry's work on LikeinMind to a new thread on PermaGeeks. Just to bring focus back to the topic, this thread about the new CC ANZ book, 'A Quiet Revolution'.