Thu 7 Jan 2021 10:07AM

Risk Jedi Restarting on Tuesday 27th of January 2021

DU Aleks Jovanovic Public Seen by 25

Fortnightly - Every 2nd Wednesday - 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm

You will all receive a calendar invitation soon. Pencil it in your diaries. Lots of risky stuff to look at this year! 馃檪


Margaret Henville Fri 8 Jan 2021 9:54AM

Nothing like a bit of Risky Business. Thanks Aleks


Vic Tyler Thu 14 Jan 2021 5:57AM

I will add to my calendar! Thanks Aleks!


Aleks Jovanovic Wed 10 Feb 2021 4:28AM

Hi everyone the risk Jedi is about to start. I'm hoping that we can have a look at membership roles, responsibilities and commitment to the Jedi. Marg, apologies already received from you. Cheers



Vic Tyler Wed 10 Feb 2021 4:43AM

Hi all I can't find ink for meeting in Loomio


Aleks Jovanovic Wed 10 Feb 2021 4:45AM

right above this thread vic


Vic Tyler Wed 10 Feb 2021 4:49AM

Not that I can see?


Vic Tyler Wed 10 Feb 2021 5:08AM

Can we have an invite to Risk Jedi? so that it is in our Calendar?


Aleks Jovanovic Wed 10 Feb 2021 5:13AM

Hi Vic, you should have one in your calendar already. Admin / Michelle have sent it to all members. In fact our dates and times haven't changed for 'ages'. We've just closed the Risk Jedi - Only me and Cherish there. I will post an update on Loomio soon. The Jedi needs improved commitment by regular members . Stay tuned! :)


Vic Tyler Wed 10 Feb 2021 5:15AM

I don't have any invites for Risk Jedi in Calendar


Aleks Jovanovic Wed 10 Feb 2021 5:23AM

@Michelle Dunscombe can you help with this please