Wed 10 Feb 2016 5:01PM


J Julie Public Seen by 319

Dear Connectors and Members

We’ve been talking about putting in place a new policy for how to claim your expenses in OuiShare for a while, but a hectic 2015 year has prevented us to actually organise this and put a new process in place.

In 2016, many things are changing, above all the separation between the non-profit and commercial activities. So we want a fresh start. As agreed a few months ago, we created a new association called “Collaborative Event Production” (CEP) which is now hosting all commercial activities such as events with ticketing and sponsoring, while all community associated activites are staying within the OuiShare Non-Profit.

To be able to make this transition, it is really important we organize ourselves better, with the help of this new expenses policy and a software we are starting to use.

Starting now we have a new process for submitting expenses

For all expenses, which (of course) have been validated beforehand with your project leader or financial steward and are submitted to one of our French legal structures, you must use our new online accounting software Zefyr starting now and THEN send your expense receipts to Julie and Johanna, who is taking on more responsiblity on global finance and administration.

Check out the tutorial on the Ouiki with this new process and step by step tutorial on how to claim your expenses.

Important! Since we have two legal structures in France now, make sure which organization you submit your expenses claim to, OuiShare or CEP. Both organizations have a separate Zefyr, so you will have two different logins, if you are involved in projects that use both structures.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask @johanna4 or I, by commenting here or via our finance slack channel!

