Mon 5 Dec 2016 9:38AM

Art, Music & Entertainment

SS Stevie Sleuth Public Seen by 330

Music/entertainment is the next thing and music/entertainment will become the main focus of society. I see cities as one big festival type thing. Music stages everywhere, for all to use an entertain at any time. All artists will have a stage to play on. Life should be about music dancing and having a good time. This is the key to a good and happy healthy life.
People will have the chance if they like, to fill the streets with music and dancing. If you are a performer musician or artist, this is the thing you will want to be doing. Stages and performance areas will be set up around the city running 24/7. The artists might find pleasure in decorating the stages with their own art work for everyone to see, while the band or dj plays in front of it. Way for artists to get recognition. Also artists will have plenty of plain walls to paint in the city. I am all up for good art work to be on walls instead of a plain white one. This will be they key to keeping everyone young and fit.
Without money, Hollywood and places the hog the entertainment industry wont be so controlling over it. So plays and stage shows, will also be something people can do. If more people had access to the equipment to make there own movies etc. You would have more people wanting to do this, as something to do. This can maybe be worked in with the music stages and made into a new type of entertainment. Were Art music stage shows/films can be worked in together to create something special. I would suggest getting rid of the TV as we know it. Make it so if people want to be entertained they must go outside. We do not need the television when we have the internet. You will watch Tv shows on the internet.