
Proposals 41 - 60

NP Natasha Penn Public Seen by 154

Shalini Pillai Fri 9 Aug 2019 12:53AM

8 - Innovation

great programme, seems like it's creating a new way to engage young people in schools and to stay in school. Team also looks strong and programme seems to have multiple outcomes.


chloe harwood Fri 9 Aug 2019 10:04PM

2 - Innovation

good programme that would be well needed and good reach but not innovative - suggest that this is more aligned to our core funding programme


Shalini Pillai Fri 9 Aug 2019 1:18AM

6 - Innovation

potential for some good programmes to run out of the space and bringing together young people to learn and peer support.


Shalini Pillai Fri 9 Aug 2019 1:20AM

5 - Innovation

need for collaboration with other mental health programmes. Need to also know what other mental health orgs/programmes are in the community, given government's significant investment in this area. What's coming up?


Shalini Pillai Fri 9 Aug 2019 12:42AM

4 - Innovation

sounds good; would be good to know what they learnt / outcomes from previous users.


Shalini Pillai Fri 9 Aug 2019 12:40AM

2 - Innovation

getting kids into sports - core funding


Poll Created Wed 31 Jul 2019 9:40PM

41 OKE Charity Closed Thu 15 Aug 2019 12:02AM


Results Option Points Mean Voters
Innovation 48 6.9 7
Undecided 0 0 5

7 of 12 people have participated (58%)


Shalini Pillai Mon 5 Aug 2019 7:52AM

7 - Innovation

love this project and the many outcomes it has the potential to achieve. I feel that it has the potential to be whanau wide too, not just outcomes for the kids.


Claire Rosanowski Fri 9 Aug 2019 12:54AM

7 - Innovation



chloe harwood Fri 9 Aug 2019 10:51PM

6 - Innovation

Outdoor spaces are a great way to support kids learning - there are a number of initiatives operating in this space - eg garden to table trust - the innovation here maybe in the accompanying app and how the learning can be further embedded -

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