Mon 5 Dec 2016 9:30AM

Electronics, Computing & Internet

SS Stevie Sleuth Public Seen by 324

Electronics and computing will be the way of the future. This will fall under many categories. Like internet, hardware and software specialists. Computer programmers and many more.
First thing that will have to be completed, would be a good internet service that works world wide. This will be most important to keep us all together and up to date. We can already find these internet structures already built in the cities and surrounding areas like you internet service now that you use and with this new idea about beaming the internet from space, the internet can be provided to every person wold wide. For the person to receive the internet provided, all we have to do, is think of how many phones and computers that will be in shops and storage, that wont be needed to be sold, because money does not exist anymore. So all these can be handed out to everybody, so all can have access to the internet and all can have a say, no reason why someone should not have access to the internet.
Once the internet is in place and we have all cities connected or maybe even before hand if we can. We should design a program that will replace the corrupt politics of today. This program will monitor the cities needs and demands. Things like food supply, power supply, health and disease, laws and security etc. Do not look at this like the movies and think we are going to have computers take over the world. That is just Hollywood movie ideas. We will always have a kill switch and we program them how to act. We can use this technology for good or for bad its how we choose to use it that counts. Do not fear the technology embrace it.
Electronic computer repair/ build places will be set up in the city. Future components will be all made to be universal with each other. All the information you will ever need, all the electronic parts you will need, 3d printers etc will be there for you to use and make your own equipment if needed. For those who would like to learn from scratch an get onto electronics, there will be a schooling system also set up with computers for self teaching at the centers.
Online medical advice can be done also on the internet, so doctors can treat patients first over the internet. Instead of having to see a sick person face to face. Improving they way we live, restricting the spread of disease.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo6HFxLGuZQ ).