Mon 20 Apr 2015 5:28AM


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What shall be the purpose of the Luxembourg Transition Platform?

Here is an initial proposal for a possible mission statement. This is not a definitive version as we expect the statement to evolve during this discussion. Does the proposal work for you? Which improvements do you want to suggest?

The Luxembourg Transition Platform (LTP) catalyses societal transformation by connecting and empowering individuals, organisations and initiatives in Luxembourg and the Greater Region that are interested in transition to engage in transition activities, groups and projects.


Quel devrait être l’objet de la Plateforme Luxembourgeoise de la Transition?

Voici une première proposition comment nous pourrions décrire l'objet. Ceci n’est pas une version définitive car nous attendons que ce texte évolue au cours de la discussion. Est-ce que la proposition vous convient? Quels améliorations voudriez-vous suggérer?

La Plateforme Luxembourgeoise de la Transition (PLT) joue un rôle de catalyseur de la transformation sociétale en reliant et soutenant des individus, des organisations et des initiatives au Luxembourg et la Grande Région qui sont intéressés par la transition de s’engager dans des activités, des groupes ou des projets de transition.


Welchen Zweck soll die Luxemburgische Transition Plattform haben?

Hier ist ein erster Entwurf für ein mögliches Leitbild der LTP. Dieser Entwurf wird sich wahrscheinlich noch weiter entwickeln, und ist daher nicht definitiv. Wie findest Du/finden Sie diese Version? Welche verbesserte Version schlägst Du/schlagen Sie vor?

Die Luxemburger Transition Plattform (LTP) befördert systemischen gesellschaftlichen Wandel, indem sie an Transition interessierte Einzelpersonen, Organisationen und Initiativen in Luxemburg und der Grossregion miteinander verbindet und sie unterstützt und befähigt, sich in Transition-Aktivitäten, Gruppen und Projekte einzubringen.


Jane Phillips Sun 26 Apr 2015 6:36AM

Hi everyone. Just wondering what this mission statement would be used for? What is its purpose? If it is for official paperwork requests then the wording is fine. If you want to use it to engage with future members of the movement then I would suggest a more people friendly approach. At the moment it feels quite government officialise/PHD dissertation to me ;-). Which is fine for requesting grants, but perhaps a bit of a turn off for the average person.


Markus Molz Sun 26 Apr 2015 1:04PM

Hi Jane, thanks for starting the conversation and for sharing your observation. I think that the same final mission statement should ideally work both internally at the grassroots level with existing and future activists and externally with institutional officials and potential funders, and still be short and crisp. That's quite a feat, evidently!
So, would you mind providing an improved version of the dry kick-off draft or making a people friendly counter-proposal?
In order to move things forward here, I would like to suggest generally to couple criticism with concrete proposals for improving the wording of the statement.


Norry Schneider Fri 1 May 2015 12:49AM

What is the kind of support you would expect to get from the platform?


G T Aiken Tue 5 May 2015 2:00PM

I guess the support should be practical and bespoke.


Pit Reichert Wed 6 May 2015 9:15PM

It could even be legal, i.e. Info for innovative projects, contacts to decision takers and rule makers.


Kalmes Albert Thu 7 May 2015 8:11PM

Sorry. I think that the purpose is verry (to) short and writen for insiders in a "Paperjam" language. I'm missing a real transition identification and more informations about the activities of people/groups in transition. Also i'm missing a link to the fundamental idea of the transition mouvement. Somethink that makes the difference to ordinary bussines organisations.


Katy Momo Fox Thu 7 May 2015 8:15PM

Dear Abbes.
please suggest actual improvements to the purpose! thank you!


Guy Schaeffer Fri 8 May 2015 10:39AM

I'm member of the committee of the Luxembourg Initiative for Basic Income (www.Grondakommes.lu).
The description of the purpose of the LTP is Ok for me as it is general enough to integrate our Basic Income Initiative.
The purpose description should not be too detailed because that could exclude initiatives that are worth supporting.


Frank Adams Tue 12 May 2015 12:04PM

I agree with most of what has been said up to now.
A short description of the purpose is good and the proposition sounds fine.
However, a definition of what transition is about would be very good too at some place, if not here, then where? I see that some people who find the transition movement attractive and get involved in it do not necessarily know what the particularity of the "spirit of transition" is.
AND: At least in my understanding transition may be a grass root movement in the first place but at some point it also needs to connect and cooperate with public institutions (ministries, universities, schools, townhalls etc.).
Another link not to be rejected is the one with entrepreneurs of the free market.
I guess these are basic points concerning a well-functioning transition net-work. Do you agree/disagree?


Luis Santiago Tue 12 May 2015 5:22PM

the purpose of the platform can, in my opinion, be very general as it will be completed by other elements in a presentation doc. Again i appreciate @guyschaeffer comment, cause it gives us a perspective of evolution we should probably consider. Maybe there is an aspect missing, which is the aspect of "porte-parole". (just putting the french version)

La Plateforme Luxembourgeoise de la Transition (PLT) joue le rôle de "porte-parole" du mouvement d'une part, d'autre part elle joue un rôle de catalyseur de la transformation sociétale en reliant et soutenant des individus, des organisations et des initiatives au Luxembourg et la Grande Région qui sont intéressés par la transition de s’engager dans des activités, des groupes ou des projets de transition.

(i wasn't very inspired, but i there is a try of a proposal)