Tue 25 Jan 2022 2:59PM

Co-op Data Club

OS Oli SB Public Seen by 188

A place to discus https://coopdata.club/


Oli SB Wed 8 Jun 2022 10:09AM

The live list of Members is on the home page: https://coopdata.club/ and I don't think any of your co-ops are there yet... but it would be great if they were! :)


Graham Wed 8 Jun 2022 9:32AM

Is there a list of members somewhere? I can't remember if I've signed up, and if so, on behalf of which coops.


dilgreen Wed 8 Jun 2022 10:14AM


Dil Green

Mutual Credit Services ( https://mutualcredit.services )

digital anthropology blog ( http://www.digital-anthropology.me )

Open Credit Network ( http://opencredit.network )

@dilgreen on twitter and generally

Use this link to book a half hour slot with me!


Sent with Proton Mail ( https://proton.me/ ) secure email.


Oli SB Wed 8 Jun 2022 10:12AM

oh, I didn't know that! Which is probably an example of why no-body uses that feature - lol... where do I find the option to get paid for watching ads?


dilgreen Wed 8 Jun 2022 9:34AM

Brave Browser already does this (pay you for watching ads - and more, gives you the power to 'tip' people on twitter etc whose content you like with the tokens you get for watching),

No-one seems to care. People use Brave more because of the anti-tracking stuff afaict

Dil Green

Mutual Credit Services ( https://mutualcredit.services )

digital anthropology blog ( http://www.digital-anthropology.me )

Open Credit Network ( http://opencredit.network )

@dilgreen on twitter and generally

Use this link to book a half hour slot with me!


Sent with Proton Mail ( https://proton.me/ ) secure email.


Oli SB Wed 8 Jun 2022 9:28AM

and... if you need any more convincing that there is a huge market out there for the platform which turns the standard advertising model upside down, like CDC aims to do... check this out: https://www.weare8.com/ - seems like we have some catching up to do!

But it's good to know they're validating the concept for us! :)


Oli SB Tue 7 Jun 2022 8:59AM

Hello lovely people,

Co-op Data Club is up to 30 Members now, but we've still got a long way to go to hit our target of 200 co-ops by the end of the year!

Here's a brief explanation of what the Club is all about that you can share with your networks ;)


Co-op Data Club exists to grow the co-operative economy by helping co-ops support other co-ops. Co-ops often lack the required investment capital to spend on customer acquisition in order to reach scale and financial sustainability. This problem is known as the ‘capital conundrum‘. Co-op Data Club is one idea to help solve this issue by providing cheaper – and free – ways for co-ops to acquire new members and customers by leveraging Principle 6 - cooperation between co-ops.

CDC's initial strategy focuses on networking Co-ops together, to enable them to connect and arrange inter-co-op promotions. Co-op Members that join CDC are added to a Loomio group where they can discuss ideas with other co-op marketeers and exchange promotions for other co-ops to share in their email newsletters, on social media and other channels. 

There are no obligations and no fees at this stage. Phase 2 will involve direct promotions to the shared email list, for which co-ops will be charged a small fee, which will be shared with subscribers - who will get paid for opening and reading emails! CDC has several more plans including implementing referral codes for both subscribers and co-ops, so that Members will be able to benefit directly by promoting the club.

Sign up your co-op now and spread the word.


In co-operation!



Graham Thu 12 May 2022 9:16AM

Good progress - congratulations are due. And a good list of cooperatives. I'm talking to Platform6 colleagues about joining. Will come back to you. And keen to work with you where I/we can to develop this project.


Oli SB Wed 11 May 2022 4:28PM

3 more members so far this week - so now we're on 25. Here's a tweet you could share (or copy and paste into your preferred social media channel) to help spread the word ;)


If you work for a co-op, want to support #cooperation, or know any co-ops that want to support Principle 6 please join and encourage others to join: https://coopdata.club we're aiming for 200 co-op members y the end of the year #CooperativeAction


Oli SB Mon 9 May 2022 8:51AM

We now have 22 co-ops signed up to Co-op Data Club - and all those that have signed up have been added to the Co-op Data Club sub group here (which anyone else here is welcome to join if you want to share co-op news etc).

Leo and I set ourselves the target of signing up 200 co-ops this year. Do you think we can do it? Surely it shouldn't be too hard because now we're more than a tenth of the way there, the co-ops will all encourage other co-ops to join and it will become a self-fulling prophesy...right!? Maybe... Or maybe we'll need everyone's help! ;) If you can spread the word to other co-ops, that's is free to join CDC which aims to grow cooperation between co-ops - how can we fail?

In co-operation!


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