Fri 24 Apr 2015 2:08AM
Usual residence five years ago
Sophie Davies
Seen by 305
Usual residence five years ago is the address where a person considered themselves to usually live five years ago.
Usual residence five years ago, is used to:
- record population movements within New Zealand (internal migration).
- produce Linked Employer-Employee Data (LEED), a longitudinal dataset valuable for research purposes
- produce the linked (or longitudinal) census
- estimate the inter-censal components of population change.
Our current recommendations relating to usual residence five years ago
- We recommend that the census continues to collect information on usual residence five years ago with no changes.
See our preliminary view of 2018 Census content for a more detailed discussion on usual residence five years ago.
See 2013 Census information by variable for information on the usual residence five years ago variable.
Mike Berry · Thu 28 May 2015 5:11AM
@joannabroad great to see some workshop participants getting involved. There is some discussion relating to non-private dwellings and residents within them that provide some information about residential care for older people- would be good for you to have a read and flesh out your areas of interest in more detail, here's the link. As you're probably aware we also collect information on country of birth which gives us some information about migrants. There is also a discussion in generational attachment which is a topic that could provide more information about inter-generational migrant outcomes, it would be great if you could also join this discussion.