Mon 30 May 2022 11:27PM

Family Governance Accommodation & Community Participation Project

MK Michaela Kennedy Public Seen by 35

I have been working with a family in Queensland developing a family governance support model. This is a family who has enjoyed the benefits of self managing but when NDIA made all service delivery for a participant with restrictive practices have to be agency managed moved all their staff to an agency and everything went pear shaped. More money was being used and the quality of support deteriorated. This family was recommended to Jeder to support them due to our focus and principles of Human Centredness, Inclusion and true choice and control. I have been working with this family for 9 months and we are just about there with the model. They have a number of independent supports - HR, Bookkeeper and P&P / Self Audit. We are just about to set up a NFP organisation and things are just about complete. Jeder does the reporting to Safeguards for the Restrictive practices, oversight of the service deliver and CoS.

I now need some help to pull this project / program into shape e.g. contracts, service agreements, what we will do and the costs, promotion material, etc. I have been speaking to another 3 families that are potentially interested in joining us. I would love 3-4 Jeder members to join me and to skill members up to be able to support participants / families in this model. Please let me know if you are interested.


Vic Tyler Tue 31 May 2022 1:09AM

Hi Mic,

Please include me on this team. I am happy to contribute.


Lynn Lennon Tue 31 May 2022 1:37AM

Happy to help out with this one :)


Yvonne Tue 31 May 2022 7:05AM

I can't at the moment, but well done and I look forward to the outcome...cheers


Renee Davies Tue 31 May 2022 7:12AM

Count me in please Mic.


Kelly Dines Tue 31 May 2022 9:12AM

Happy to help where needed


Julie Anne Carrington Tue 31 May 2022 10:12AM

Yep I am in thanks Mic


Aleks Jovanovic Wed 1 Jun 2022 2:26AM

Hi Mic, what a progressive project. I dont have capacity to be involved in the jedlet atm. However, I'm more that happy for the group to reach out to me regarding any questions relating to Restrictive Practice processes, best practice and compliance.🙂


Jason Emmins Wed 1 Jun 2022 8:56AM

Yes, interested.

@Michaela Kennedy just a clarifying question regarding the process of a Jedlet forming under the Wellbeing and Growth Jedi (and learning/reflections from the Mandate Workaround Jedlet loomio discussions). I may have missed something, but I cannot find in the harvests that this was discussed/raised/actioned at the Wellbeing and Growth Jedi. Should it have been discussed there first? Are we missing steps?


Michaela Kennedy Fri 3 Jun 2022 6:53AM

Maybe yes Jason, but needed to be done regardless, due to the trial already happening. I will bring it up at the next Jedi meeting and report back there. Thanks for checking in.


Lisa Zulfiqar Thu 2 Jun 2022 12:47AM

cant wait to see the outcome of this one. Not able to help at the moment.

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