Basement Space Usage
Qinza has raised concerns and prompted a discussion about the use of space in the basement and what expectations are for new members. What are thoughts and desires for this?
Will be updated to reflect Qinza's comments at the member meeting.
michelle jackson
Sat 15 Jun 2019 2:53PM
There is a three shelf storage solution for PPAC.(do you mean three storage racks?) I need more clarity around this. It’s written in a way that doesn’t address BSC, H+, and S2S, so it effectively kicks us out of the space without any storage options discussed. Not sure if that is the intention. Please clarify. In order
for me to agree, I would need clarifying language added to the proposal.
Also curious, if J, A and D have any proposal language concerns.
Anurag Gupta
Sun 16 Jun 2019 3:06PM
This could be a good pilot for some boundaries. I would move this forward and in the future, another proposal can be made when needed. To Michelle's point, my understanding is that beyond the allotments listed above, if more storage space is needed, it would need to be outside the basement.
Patrick Paul Garlinger
Sun 16 Jun 2019 4:37PM
I believe this honors the original agreement made with Saks and Qinza (which has been given short shrift), balances various artists' needs, and leaves open the possibility of future proposals. It will force us to use existing storage more efficiently (the unused bathroom next to the kitchen), be creative in finding additional storage solutions, and evaluate what's really necessary and remove items that aren't actually needed yet taking up space. Additional thoughts in discussion thread.
Rosalind Zavras
Sun 16 Jun 2019 5:35PM
See my comments in the thread. There are concerns that I think need to be addressed.
Sun 16 Jun 2019 7:15PM
I disagree for the reasons myself (and Roz/Michelle) have mentioned in the discussion thread.
Marcos Salazar
Sun 16 Jun 2019 8:22PM
I'm blocking for reasons shared by Michelle, Roz, and Amelia. One thing I'm feeling is I'm finding it challenging to see this as a proposal because a red line was literally drawn on what space can / can't be used and now we're voting on if we agree with this action. I want us to ensure that the basement works for all who need the space to do their work (+ prevent things like what that happened to Amelia's work) and this proposal doesn't address key aspects of what's needed to come to a solution.
Sun 23 Jun 2019 6:38PM
I do not consider any omissions to be prohibitive to voting yes. Whatever has been intentionally or unintentionally left out can be put into a future proposal to amend this one.
Mon 24 Jun 2019 5:22PM
Hi prime mates, I really appreciate this conversation and the clarity of the request. Because this proposal is missing some important context about our values and the history of these conversations to an extent that i feel it accidentally misrepresents the situation, I am blocking this proposal with the intention to actively help build the next iteration of it.
Also, updating to let everyone know that the next version of this proposal is already in the works!
Chris Sat 15 Jun 2019 2:34PM
Please vote against the proposal, Michelle, or to block it, so that you're current state of agreement or disagreement with what is on the proposal is recorded in your vote.
michelle jackson · Sat 15 Jun 2019 12:23PM
Thanks for putting this together. I am unable to vote on this proposal for a few reasons:
1) There is nothing in this proposal that addresses the fact that BSC, H+, PPAC & S2S are storing things on the opposite side of the red line. From the wording as is, it sounds like all of us have to vacate the basement. I’d like clarity around that and would hope that there would be direct communication with the organizations.
2) Additionally, i’m waiting for any comments from Amelia, Jerone and David. I’m hoping that this proposal was discussed with the three of them before posting to the broader group as it directly impacts their practices.