Fri 6 Oct 2017 10:31PM

Consensus and Decision Making

SR Samantha Rose Public Seen by 390

Samantha Rose Fri 6 Oct 2017 10:33PM

We will use consensus to make decisions that affect the team or Network. Any person can make a proposal to the team and each person has a choice of 4 responses: 1) Agree and happy to go ahead, 2) Don’t fully agree but will not stop it from going ahead, 3) Abstain, 4) Don’t agree and block the proposal from going ahead.

In the case of the 4th response of blocking, those that block must present their reasons for blocking and come up with another proposal of how to proceed and a timeframe by when they will present that proposal and a timeframe by when a final decision will be made.

A series of discussions happen where points of view and needs are shared until a decision can be made on a final proposal (choices 1, 2, or 3)


Alvaro Romera Fri 6 Oct 2017 11:34PM

This is a great way to work, I agree (1). Questions: what would be the process to submit an idea for consideration? Loomio thread, only in meetings...? Any idea proposed by "any person" MUST be considered? When? In the next meeting? Loomio voting? Who can vote? Only the team?