Tue 23 Mar 2021 11:46AM

Incident Management Review and Processes- making sure we do what we say we do (review of Policy, Process, Practice).

JE Jason Emmins Public Seen by 42

We have experienced some critical incidents recently that have highlighted a need to review our internal Incident Management Process (Policy, Procedure, Practice, training etc)- this is one of the requirements of our registration and also operating a good/ethical business.

There is one particular incident I would like to review with the assistance of the group (either Risk Jedi or other interested parties). This incident occurred almost 12 months ago and potentially has large/significant consequences (organisationally as it was classified as a Reportable Incident with the NDIS QS Commission and not responded to appropriately/within timeframes). I will go into further detail in the discussion.

Please respond in the thread below if you are interested in reviewing this with me- I will send a further individual email to the group once confirmed. I would like to have this done within the next 2 weeks (to also pre-empt any further investigation or action by the NDIS QS Commission). I would expect to dedicate 2-3 hours of reviewing the Incident, Policy/Process, Practice Standards, Gaps, Opportunities, and possible consequences.


Abby Brown Tue 23 Mar 2021 9:05PM

Hi Jason, I am interested


Vic Tyler Tue 23 Mar 2021 9:36PM

Hi Jason, I'm interested.


Rob Hosking Tue 23 Mar 2021 10:59PM



Aleks Jovanovic Wed 24 Mar 2021 7:08AM

Thanks Jason, I've attached the "Incident and Injury Reporting Policy" here. It would be great if all members acknowledged that they have read the policy and I welcome them to provide feedback to myself, their coach, the risk Jedi or any of the bored members. The policy was also shared on thisrisk Jedi thread last year: https://www.loomio.org/d/TX5xsvbt/incident-reporting-policy


Abby Brown Thu 25 Mar 2021 7:22AM

Cheers Aleks, read and understood


Deleted account Tue 13 Apr 2021 10:08PM

Thanks Aleks, read and understood


Michelle Dunscombe Mon 19 Apr 2021 8:12AM

Read and understood 🙂


Dee Brooks Fri 23 Apr 2021 5:46AM



Aleks Jovanovic Fri 23 Apr 2021 5:48AM

competency based assessment coming up 🙂


Vic Tyler Wed 24 Mar 2021 7:57AM

Hi Aleks I acknowledge that I have read and understand policy.

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