
Sheppey is Ours! Wellbeing Mascot

K Kayleigh Public Seen by 17

Unfortunately, I've still been struggling with my mental health so have not been as active as I would like and I apologise for that. But I do have a fun update. I would like you all to meet Rami and their friend Grey Dolphin.

Rami is going to be the wellbeing mascot for the Isle of Sheppey, campaigning not just for the physical and mental health of residents but also the health of the community, be that campaigning for protecting the environment, supporting local businesses and creating a more democratic society.

While this is a very large investment on my part, I really hope I can capture the imagination of people on Sheppey and hopefully provide a new positive image for the area, while also showing that Sheppey is Ours! is something completely new and different from everything else that as been in the area before.


Maria Wed 9 Dec 2020 12:41PM

Awesome Kayleigh, would love to hear more at the next call!


Phil Green Wed 9 Dec 2020 5:57PM

Love the website, Kayleigh. Hadn't seen that before.