Tue 23 Sep 2014 6:59AM

P2P Economics and Commons-Based Reciprocity Licenses

ST Simon Tegg Public Seen by 182

Forking the relevant discussion in the openappjs update


Bob Haugen Thu 25 Sep 2014 11:07AM

@simontegg - https://snowdrift.coop/p/snowdrift/w/co-op - from the comments on feedopensource - is also interesting.

(By "interesting", I mean as a datapoint in a graph of related ideas about how to fund open software.)


Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis Thu 25 Sep 2014 12:35PM

I want our infrastructure to allow
1) users to determine what is to be produced.
2)users to directly invest their money to projects themselves (not banks).

3)producers/workers to peer produce meaning that
a)there is coordination for the work that needs to be done,
b)there is a method of accounting of the work done,
c)workers have equal power and control at whichever place they work and thus equal earnings.
4)peer production to be dynamic, to change easily as needs change.
5)for a global coordination of the economy(across the chains of productions and taking into account the global needs of a society).

Social (sub)structures of society will emerge so as to reduce complexity (information overhead).

I don't know much about holons to have an opinion but from what I read, it is similar to what I say.


Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis Thu 25 Sep 2014 12:35PM

I want our infrastructure to allow
1) users to determine what is to be produced.
2)users to directly invest their money to projects themselves (not banks).

3)producers/workers to peer produce meaning that
a)there is coordination for the work that needs to be done,
b)there is a method of accounting of the work done,
c)workers have equal power and control at whichever place they work and thus equal earnings.
4)peer production to be dynamic, to change easily as needs change.
5)for a global coordination of the economy(across the chains of productions and taking into account the global needs of a society).

Social (sub)structures of society will emerge so as to reduce complexity (information overhead).

I don't know much about holons to have an opinion but from what I read, it is similar to what I say.


Jon Richter Thu 25 Sep 2014 3:53PM

Silke Helfrich wrote about a "Commons Creating Peer Production" Licence that evolves exactly out of the idea of reproducing the Commons instead of only using them.


Bob Haugen Thu 25 Sep 2014 5:51PM

@jonrichter - good article, altho I am reading it via google translate...a Guerrilla Translator version would be much better. And I like the name and idea. I did not see the license in that article, though - did I miss something?


Jon Richter Thu 25 Sep 2014 5:55PM

She mentions it in footnote seven. Tweet her at @commonify to request a translation ;)


Bob Haugen Sun 28 Sep 2014 1:31PM

@lynnfoster - that (above) is a link to the conversation I was talking about.


Caroline Smalley Sun 28 Sep 2014 5:22PM

@ahdinosaur what you describe is EXACTLY what we're working to achieve through CM.

the best I can do in figuring it all out is as you can read on the site. well. almost! recently approached by the strategic innovations team at http://www.suncorp.com.au/, AMAZING conversation last Sunday via Skype.

They contacted me following seeing the hangout I did 'The Great Currency Debate' on Michel Bauwens site. They liked how collaborative CM is / encompasses so many aspects of 'new ways of doing things' and want to help fund the continuance of both this debate, the currency exchange and the development of CM at large. They have proposed a sponsorship idea. They are fine with us getting additional sponsorship. This is the start of something big.

We're going to use the hangouts to determine how we'll do things on CM. Where do revenues go etc.

@joshuavial hey Joshia. Reason I mention you here is because during the call with Suncorp, I talked about Loomio and how we intend to use this and Cobudget. The guy who led the conversation (Tim O'Brien) was familiar (as he was with Qoin as well - our currency partner / the team we're sighted to build the exchange). He commented that they may well be able to help fund CM / Loomio needs.

I'll hear more late October/early November.

I've also developed a sponsorship proposal based on above. Intro attached.

Assoc Links:


Caroline Smalley Sun 28 Sep 2014 5:25PM

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