Sat 30 Jun 2018 4:45AM

Require a donation for Voteholdership

DK Dakota Kaiser Public Seen by 233

Please read vote for detiails


Dakota Kaiser Sat 30 Jun 2018 5:44PM

I removed them from the loomio group. Not sure how they got in here in the first place actually. Someone invited them in....


Dakota Kaiser Sat 30 Jun 2018 5:45PM

Thank god our new loomio fork won't allow for willy nilly joins or admin edits/removals


Dakota Kaiser Sat 30 Jun 2018 5:32PM

The idea of initially giving out voteholdership for team participation was to encourage deeper participation and giving.

It just didn't work out that way. The EN has too many people attempting to fund personal and unrelated projects and too many people that nit pick on votes they don't really have a clue about.

We need a core base of empowered, generous, educated voteholders for the EN to thrive.


Caelee Lydia Love-Light Sat 30 Jun 2018 7:50PM

so is this really about de-funding what some officials /members would consider "unrelated" or "personal"? why not vote for a system thats against these "personal or unrelated projects" instead of voting to take voting rights away from a majority. many of which worked hard through their courses and exams to be eligible for their voting status. I can support legislation that targets non beneficial projects or personal however we want to define the projects we find "not for the EN" But i cant support legislation that removes peoples rights.


Dakota Kaiser Sat 30 Jun 2018 10:10PM

The right to distribute finite resources must be earned by those who help contribute those resources. So far everyone who has an issue with this bill has contributed very little to the EN center pool, which is part of why theres very little left for us to distribute in the first place.


Caelee Lydia Love-Light Sat 30 Jun 2018 10:57PM

this bill screams ego. whos to righteously label and point . "you earned this." YOU DIDN'T EARN THIS?? also. im worried because you state theres very little left for us to distribute , what has EN and it's ambassadors been doing with their allocations to put it in a state where "theres very little left for u s to distribute" and why are these players not held accountable? Sounds like EN made a mistake. Voting should never be determined by ones financial input. contribution and loyalty. sure. and ive been nothing but loyal since i ve been here. so i'm not making it easy for you to take a rank role position i worked for in the past from me and many others because "little left to distrubute" sounds like someone needs to be held accountable. and its not existing voteholders. i retract any further statements.


Dakota Kaiser Sat 30 Jun 2018 10:11PM

@adamapolloamorastr Anyone and everyone can give their time to earn keys.

The EN has very little funds left, with very little people giving their time. It is critical we reshape our voteholders to only include people actually contributing to the center pool. Or we will have nothing to vote about, because we have nothing.


Dakota Kaiser Sat 30 Jun 2018 10:12PM

@alex144 its not force, its a vote.


Dakota Kaiser Sat 30 Jun 2018 11:17PM

It seems like your screaming "entitlement" caelee. Which is exactly why the EN has little funds left. Too many entitled voteholders that don't do enough to contribute to the center pool.


Dakota Kaiser Sat 30 Jun 2018 11:43PM

I really appreciate the work you've done Caelee. This bill isn't about you...

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