Tue 19 May 2015 9:45AM


KL Kate Lebedeff Public Seen by 428

Attention! discussion closed, please send your further ideas to [email protected]

Hey folks!
We receive requests from you, "how to contribute", and many particular ones as well, especially about ABF.

We are attending to this, and we want to be sure, that we cover the hottest for you topics first.

We make video tutorials on various topics now, "how to ...". Please tell us, which topics should we cover there? What exactly you need to know/understand better?

This could be around our development environment, ABF, or/and be related to other OMA aspects.

This poll is open for 1 week, when finished, we rate the ideas and start with hottest ones!

(And we plan to have such polls regular)

Speak out, we listen!

Yours, OMA

Apologies to non-members! to have your say, please follow this link https://pad.openmandriva.org/p/Tutorials_-_what_you_want_to_learn

*This discussion ends May 27th 12.00 PM CEST


João Azevedo Patrício Tue 19 May 2015 10:16AM

the first thing that comes to my mind is: how to package a software and commit it to abf-omlx


Kate Lebedeff Tue 19 May 2015 10:20AM

if you would have more particular questions to that topic, that would help us to make more detailed and fitting your needs tutorial:) @joaoazevedopatricio1


Maik Wagner Tue 19 May 2015 10:55AM

I am interested in rpm-packaging, importing github repositories in the ABF and becoming a maintainer for wine.


Raul Liota da Rosa Tue 19 May 2015 4:28PM

I agree with @joaoazevedopatricio1 and @maikwagner


Ben Bullard Tue 19 May 2015 5:14PM

Basically in agreement with above. How to package software, use ABF, and maintain packages. Another may be how to check for and fix bad packages. For regular users how to more thoroughly test packages and .iso's and how to properly file bug reports.

All this being said I have yet to get over to you tube and see what we have now. On my to do list.


Colin Close Sun 24 May 2015 9:45PM

Hi, I have a feeling that people need some really good educational resources. From my limited experience I would say that learning how to create and maintain packages requires knowledge and to some extent experience of the development process and the tools used to manage it.

Judging by the number of people who want to help with packaging It would, I think be worthwhile to produces an overview of the Development process so that those wishing to learn can see how all the different command line and web facilities fit together. Perhaps then we create a series of modules that cover the individual aspects of the process.
A suggested order for the modules would perhaps be compiling a program from sourcecode, rpm, git, ABF Web interface then the abf-console client and abb. Finally a module showing a few practical examples of how to create and fix issues in an rpm specfile.
This is a big task probably too much for one person to do but if the overview were to done the other modules could probably be shared around.
Doing the overview might also highlight any deficiencies in the various utilities and working practices.


Raul Liota da Rosa Tue 26 May 2015 8:27PM

Tutorials of Basic software (firefox, libreoffice, thunderbird, etc) it would be interesting for novice users, even if some comparisons: For example in Windows is so, and OpenMandriva is so.


Tomasz Paweł Gajc Wed 27 May 2015 6:54AM

Tutorials how to work with RPM, ABF and how OopenMandriva software development cycle works.


Kate Lebedeff Wed 27 May 2015 9:59AM

From non-member Bill Adama:
It would be great to have tutorials on:
- SAMBA configuration and sharing files between distros and Windows
- How to package software and how to become a maintainer
- how to hunt bugs and provide proper logs and output
- Quick overview on how OMA association is structured and how to take part in decisions and distro development


Kate Lebedeff Wed 27 May 2015 10:00AM

From Raul Liota: Tutorials of Basic software (firefox, libreoffice, thunderbird, etc) it would be interesting for novice users, even if some comparisons: For example in Windows is so, and OpenMandriva is so.