Sun 10 Feb 2019 9:46PM

Establish a crafts workshop in HL++ and move sewing gear from HL

C cstewart000 Public Seen by 149

I have proposed that the upstairs area at HL++ be setup as a craft area. The plan is to bring sewing machines over from HL legacy and setup a more structured space for crafts in general. A working bee has been arranged for Saturday 16th Feb with this aim in mind: https://www.meetup.com/HackLand/events/258174062/.
(The planned activities of the working bee can be re-focused following the outcomes of this decision branch).

The aim of setting up the new space is top have more unique workspaces available which focused on diverse interests. The expected outcome is that Hackland will appear to a wider range of people and attract new members helping hackland have more funds to cover rent and be able to stock basic tools and materials.

The next step after this proposed move, is to setup the current sewing area as a space where photographic, video editing, sound recording etc can be done.

There has been some opposition to the proposal given that the sewing area already exists at HL. Other arguments include: noise at HL++ and dust (dust ingress to the upper area has been seen to be limited in the past month). Advantages of the new space are: larger area, better natural light, opportunity to separate from the current storage pile at HL legacy.

This vote has been put forward as an opportunity for members to provide input as which direction should be taken.


Poll Created Sun 10 Feb 2019 9:48PM

Establish craft workshop and move sewing equiptment to HL++ Closed Wed 13 Feb 2019 9:03PM

Agree- move to HL++
Disagree- remain as is and find something else to do during working bee.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 80.0% 4 B C RC RB
Abstain 20.0% 1 JK
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 33 MC DO H JVD JH S JS K CG B J J HS DU BF SC JL K DP

5 of 38 people have participated (13%)


Sun 10 Feb 2019 9:48PM

Better work areas = more paying members = better work areas


Jorån Kikke
Sun 10 Feb 2019 10:06PM

No one really needs permission to move some tools (sewing machines) from one part of the space to another, but it seems like quite a big area to give a specific purpose to (we don't really give any specific purposes to any areas yet except "NOT SAWDUST") Realistically I've used the sewing machines on the floor of the main space to sew sails. But all for setting up the new upstairs room


R B Sun 10 Feb 2019 10:00PM

Can we have a plan for the space before stuff gets moved in? Be good to get feedback on plan from sewers and crafters before things get set up. 👍
Lighting is v. important.


cstewart000 Sun 10 Feb 2019 10:03PM

sewers/crafters have been encouraged to come to the working bee. I will host a planning discussion at kickoff of working bee to get all thoughts down and come prefered layout. Decision power will be given to those that participate in creating the spaces